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Fri, 13 Jun 2014 07:51:26 -0700
text/plain (31 lines)
Interestingly, I thought of the optacon too when I read the description 
of the finger reader. The device doesn't sound as easy and convenient as 
a camera that takes one or two pictures of the document, but it sounds 
like this device does two things the Optacon did well: (1) you can read 
any surface including labels on cans, and (2) you get a sense of 
formatting, which is sometimes helpful, as when filling out a form.

I have to admit that I'm not as excited about these types of devices as 
I used to be. I have a KNFB Reader, which cost a lot of money and reads 
fairly well, and I have Google Goggles, a free app on my Android phone, 
which does a little less well and cost me nothing. Neither does as well 
as a flatbed scanner, and though KNFB Reader is a little better, the 
difference between the two isn't significant enough to justify the 
amazing difference in price.

The Blaze EZ sounds exciting. based on the description, it sounds like a 
Victor Stream cum KNFB Reader. The introductory price is over $600.00, 
which suggests the regular price will be a couple of hundred dollars 
higher. That's a lot of money for goodish results. I'd pay for something 
like the EZ, but I'd pay a lot less. In a way, this is the crux of the 
matter. If I can't afford it or if I feel it's too much money for what 
I'm getting, then I won't buy it, so for all practical purposes, it 
doesn't exist.

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