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"Mike Duke, K5XU" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mike Duke, K5XU
Thu, 4 Aug 2011 17:05:50 -0500
text/plain (32 lines)
Some 2 meter 5/8 wave antennas will tune very well as a quarter wave 
on 6 meters.

Whether or not a 2 meter antenna will tune on 6 depends on how the 
matching circuit at the base of the antenna is configured.

Some of the Larson antennas will work nicely, and I have also used my 
very old Hi-Gain model.

I once had to be away from home during a 6 meter contest due to a 
family reunion. I took my Yaesu FT620 along, and made quite a number 
of contacts from a relatively rare grid in Alabama using 10 watts and 
my 2 meter mobile antenna. These were SSB contacts, as that rig did 
not operate FM.

Fast forward about 15 years to my Yaesu VX5 hand held, and that same 
antenna sitting on top of the close drier in my apartment.

With that setup, I worked into North Carolina and Virginia from 
Mississippi on 52.525 simplex.

*Note this does not apply to the 2 meter/440 antennas, but only to 
single band 5/8 wave antennas for 2 meters.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs