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Deri James <[log in to unmask]>
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 4 Nov 2008 02:06:04 +0100
text/plain (60 lines)
On Monday 03 November 2008 23:31:13 ken barber wrote:
> i disagree that they have drank the kool-aid kyle. i think they took in
> intravenously .

Isn't this rather insulting to people who happen to disagree with your views? 
It also displays a misunderstanding of "socialised medecine" or not 
understanding the articles quoted by Meir & Kat. 

It seems the quip about "socialised medecine" was in relation to Meir's 
article on a doctor being refused residential status in Australia due to 
the "potential" cost of supporting his Down's Syndrome son. (And Kat's 
similar story from Canada regarding a South African doctor being refused 
residency because of his daughter's CP (who he intends to abandon in SA if 
granted residency!!).

Isn't this about immigration policy rather than "socialised medecine"? (Or am 
I missing something!!).



PS Is the "kool-ade" you two are drinking the 20 year old malt "type"!! ;-)

> --- On Mon, 11/3/08, KE Cleveland <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Yeah, so what? You want nationalized, socialized medicine?
> This is what
> you get when you let the government "take care of
> you". Almost everyone on
> this list has drank the kool-aid of socialism--Obama-style.
> Wait until they
> find out that his promises are completely hollow and cannot
> possibly be paid
> for. I suppose Bush will still be to blame for that too.
> There's going to be a sea-change in this country
> starting tomorrow. Obama
> is making promises he can't keep to baby-boomers who
> have no hope of
> collecting on Social Security they think is coming to them.
> If that doesn't
> jolt them awake, wait until he starts sending our troops in
> with the United
> Nations to "keep the peace" in a dozen countries.
> It will make
> Iraq/Afghanistan look like a schoolyard brawl.
> Of course, after tomorrow it will be too late...and there
> won't even be any
> point in saying, "We told you so."
> Kyle


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