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Lyn Latham <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 5 Feb 2007 01:50:21 -0500
text/plain (307 lines)
My, my, my!  I felt a shot coming on as I listened to what you had to say in 
that powerful, firey, annointed message.  You know some people believe that 
tongues doesn't even belong to us.  I can tell you that this is not true asI 
also have felt the burdens lift one by one as I begin to speak in tongues 
and let the Holy Ghost, Spirit, or whatever we choose to call him interceed 
on my behalf.  I can tell you though Phil that if we call on the Lord and 
ask the angels who are assigned to us to be dispatched, it will happen.  I 
mean.  It's like the story I shared earlier.  The one that was about the 13 
dollars.  Maybe I didn't share it with you guys.  I might have shared it 
with another Christian brother I was writing to.  I felt as if the Lord were 
just giving me the rains of financual blessings in droplets.  Well Friday 
Triston and I went to get IDS and I didn't have quite enough money.  I knew 
thought that I could write a check and woudl have 13 dollarsi nthere to 
cover said check.  Well instead of that, I had asked for God to send "favor" 
to us that day, and had asked the financual angels to be dispatched on my 
behalf not really knowsing what I was asking for.  Well, these people behind 
us in the line gave me 13 dollars for the IDS, and when I asked them ifI 
could send them a novel the lady said, "don't worry about it, it's from the 
angels".  I know that a lot of people get annoyed withme and say that 
everything I speak is "religeous", but it's not, it's just from a born again 
believer, who is sanctified and saved, and I am filled with the Holy Spirit, 
Ghost, whatever you choose to call Him, andI knwo what I believe!  Now the 
problem I seem to deal with is the devil tries to make me forget who and 
whose I am and so I have to sith down and write things either to you or 
whoever will listen to me to get the thought processes back in theright 
prospectinve.  Thanks for sharing with us.  I always say, "I know I'm not 
supposed to be preaching today", but somehow I always end up just getting 
thoughts out.  I had a nightmare tonight, so I guess I was to come and write 
to you.  I appreciate what Jesus taught you.  Because I too am feelign the 
strain of financial crippleness.  Is that a word?  Well, no matter.  It's 
just that it's all temporary, but tithing has always been what I have done 
too.  Now, Pastor will say God doesn't needour money, but his church needs 
to pay the rent and the electric bills, and someone needs to do the giving, 
butI think when we are living on nothing but our pensions or disability 
checks, then God expects us to have wisdom and not be foolish what what 
little we have, and I lent soem money and as a result, I am overdrawn and do 
not have quite enough for my rent, but I know God will make that way too. 
Sometimes though, I think when we do stupid things liek that, he's like a 
father and let's us feel the stretch of the pain to make us understand that 
it's not always a good idea to have the good heart but to keep the wisdom 
that He gave us going.  Well, I've rambled on enough.  It's the writer in 
me.  Thanks again for the message.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 11:16 PM
Subject: What Jesus Taught Me this Week

>     For many months, if not years overall, I have been tuning
> into radio Bible teaching in hopes I would discover something new
> about financial blessings in the life of a Christian.  I even
> purchased some tapes I thought were good from one of my favorite
> Bible teachers on the radio.
>     If you listen to Pentecostals, Charismatics, Baptists, and
> other fundamentalist type preaching and teaching, they all begin
> at the same place and that is tithing.  I've known this since the
> womb, practically, because it is all I have heard all my life.
> Until, that is, I began questioning the Lord myself, on my knees,
> with an open Braille Bible 25 years ago.  The thing that freaked
> me out the most, at that time, was that the Holy Spirit, I was, by
> now, used to hearing and recognizing His voice, kept telling me
> that He did not need my money.  This puzzled me.  I know He, God,
> didn't need it but if I didn't give 10 percent of my income, I was
> taught that He, God, can't bless me.  So now what do I do?  Still,
> He kept saying, "I don't need your money."  Every time I tried to
> tithe, my income diminished.  When I quit tithing, my income
> increased.  Finally, out of desperation, I gave up and stopped
> giving anything.  Not one dime.  My bills started getting paid,
> the income perpetually increased, my business continually
> improved, and four years later, although I had been renting, the
> Lord made it possible, without any down payment on my behalf, to
> purchase a home and with monthly payments the same as my rent had
> been.  That was almost 24 years ago.  I still live in the same
> home.  So go figure.  I was more confused than before, but I
> eventually studied until I found my answer in the Scriptures.
> This, however, has almost nothing to do with what I want to tell
> you now.
>     Four years ago, or perhaps more, Jesus told me, not called
> me, not anointed me, but literally told me, what I would be
> doing.  this I didn't like.  Not because I wanted to disobey the
> Lord but I simply was not interested, nor did I have any training,
> in what the Lord was telling me I would be doing.  What was that?
> He said, "You will be working with sexually abused women and those
> suffering from multiple personality disorders, which is now
> called, Dissociative Identity Disorder.  First, this did not mean
> that's all I would be doing but it would be something He was
> instructing me, or appointing me, to do in His name.  At present,
> I work with several sexually abused women and I have worked with
> many of those, men and women, who are multiple personality.
> Before this ministry began, the Holy Spirit also told me that I
> would be a father to the fatherless.  I won't go into detail about
> this now but needless to say, this is something that is now being
> fulfilled daily.  This is something I never dreamed in a million
> years I would be doing but doing it I am.  Now back to my main
> topic.  I have said all of this thus far to lay background for
> what I am going to tell you next.
>     As most of you know on this list, financially, things haven't
> been going all that well of late.  this is largely due to being a
> poor steward, or said another way, not being a very good business
> man.  Simply stated, over the last two or three years, I've made
> some poor mistakes.  One, for example, is that I took out loans
> and mortgages because, I thought, Jesus would bless the ministry
> to which He had called me, or better stated, the ministry to which
> He had assigned me or appointed me.  This isn't faith; it's
> confidence.  Confidence is a poor substitute for faith no matter
> how you cut it.  This is not to say that Jesus won't finance His
> ministries but I am just trying to point out the difference
> between confidence in the Lord and faith in God.  If you can't see
> the difference, you easily make the wrong mistakes.
>     As I began to say, out of desperation, a terrible state in
> which to find yourself as a Christian, I was hunting and hunting
> for an answer.  I wanted to know how to get money out of God or in
> a more spiritual way of putting it, I wanted to find out how to be
> financially blessed of God.  Well, that's what it truly boiled
> down to as sorry as that sounds for such a Godly man as I.  I'm
> joking, of course, because Godliness isn't what we think it is but
> that's for another time.  Anyhow, I often punched on my radio just
> in case somebody was teaching on finances and I might hear the
> secret to getting God to cough up some money.  Besides, He owed
> me.  right?  I mean, He put me into this ministry.  right?  So
> shouldn't He be paying for it, too, regardless of all the
> financial boo boos I made in the past?  I mean, what kind of a God
> is He if He doesn't finance, or bank roll, what He has created?
> Right?  He owns the cattle on a thousands hills and all the gold
> under those hills.  Right?  So why don't I have any of that?
> confusing to say the least.
>     My radio experience, plus 1200 audio cassettes I have in my
> library, wasn't producing a single thing; not one.  this
> frustrated me to no end because these are big names preachers and
> if anybody should know, it should be then.  right?  Well, it
> wasn't working.  I mean, I wasn't finding the answer.  I still am
> not claiming I know the final answer so don't get excited.  I do
> want you to know what Jesus has told me so far.
>     One thing I have learned over the last 25 years is that
> whatever I am asking the Lord, the answer is always, every single
> time, incredibly simple.  I have always figured the answers from
> the God of the universe, the Creator of all things, has got to be
> super complex, theologically complicated, and spiritually
> unfathomable.  Shoot, I barely made it out of high school, I only
> have a three year Bible college general theological degree, and I
> know my IQ can't be very high.  Yet, time and time again, God has
> shown me things about my relationship with Him and they are
> always, 100 percent of the time, so simple, a child could
> understand.  this makes me mad and humble at the same time.  Mad,
> because I always hope that I will learn some big godly secret that
> will catapult me into magnificent and glorious Christian stardom.
> Humility speaks for itself.  No, humility doesn't mean you are
> worthless and valueless, in fact, it means just the opposite in
> God's eyes.  Think simple and it will make sense.
>     So, the other day, as I have been trying to say all along, I
> was scanning the radio dial, I have 32 memories on my radio so I
> can punch stations up rapidly and one right after another if I am
> bored or displeased with what I am hearing, looking for somebody
> smarter than I am and concerning the subject of finances.
> Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  They all, every single one of them,
> dad gum it, were teaching the exact same thing.  Days, weeks,
> months, and years passed and they all taught the same thing.  why,
> you may ask, didn't I believe them and follow their example?  I
> had tried everything they taught already and it flat out did not
> work.  I even proved it didn't work by eliminating my tithes and
> offerings over a period of four years and God blessed me even more
> than if I had been giving.  Well, that's all water over the dam or
> under the bridge or whatever.  Now you can understand why pastors
> don't ask me to speak for them any longer; they are afraid I might
> teach on the wrong subject.  Let me tell you what Jesus told me
> just recently.
>     turning off the radio out of frustration, I sat back in my
> chair totally bummed.  "Come on, Lord," I complained, "I don't get
> it.  I don't even know the question, let alone the answer, so
> what is the freaking answer?"  then I suddenly heard it.  One
> word.  One elementary, rudimental, simple, uncomplicated, plain,
> kindergarten, and simplistic, word.  "Prayer."
>     I almost jumped as if I had been touch with a live electrical
> wire.  "Pray!" I shouted into the spirit realm.  I was surprised,
> not because I heard it but because I felt it.  Yes, felt it.  I am
> perfectly familiar with day dreaming, having become a professional
> at it during school days, but this was not a day dream.  You don't
> feel a day dream; you just picture it in your mind.  I was not
> meditating, calculating, figuring, hallucinating, pondering,
> contemplating, or speculating.  I was asking!  What shocked me, as
> it always does, the Lord answered me.  Once again, so help me God,
> my hand on His bible, it was the most simplistic of answers and I
> felt the answer, not heard it, but felt it.
>     I realize this may be a new concept for many Christians,
> feeling the answer that is, but that is the way it always works
> for me.  Some people sense emotional, in their thought patterns,
> the Holy Spirit talking or speaking something to them.  For some,
> not me, but for some, it is so real, they describe it as actual
> hearing something.  That happens to some people, too, literally
> hearing the Lord speak, but it isn't common and you should not
> seek for such an auditory response.  Why?  It isn't necessary.
> Plus, demons can speak out loud so there is no sense in making
> things worse.  Others just sense communication is occurring and
> they formulate words.  I have experience both, that is, words
> spoken into my thoughts, or formed in my thoughts, and more often
> than not, I feel what is being spoken.  Don't ask me why because I
> don't know why it is different from person to person.  It is
> likely due to our unique individuality as far as God is concerned.
> You know?  No two alike?  I am usually hit with a feeling which
> contains meaning.  thus, the words are my words of explanation.
> Sometimes, on the other hand, I actually see the words as if they
> are being imprinted on my mind or in my thoughts.  both happened
> this time.  I saw and felt the word "prayer" at the same time the
> full and complete meaning burst in my spirit.
>     When the Holy Spirit spoke to me the single word "prayer,"
> an extended meaning and translation of what the Lord meant
> detonated inside of me spiritually.  I knew instantly what Jesus
> was telling me.  No, he wasn't talking about petitionary prayer
> where you make your request known on to God.  I already know how
> to do that.  No, He was not talking about praising His name and
> giving Him glory because I already know how to do that and have
> been doing that most of my life.  furthermore, I know how to pray
> without ceasing and that is a regular part of my daily life.  I
> also know how to pray in my sleep so that's not what the Lord was
> telling me either.  So what was He talking about?  I'm glad you
> asked.
>     There is another form of prayer that many, I dare say most,
> do not accept as valid.  They are fearful of it, don't believe it
> is viable in the church today, and they will do anything and
> everything to avoid this form of prayer.  Yet, it is a gift of the
> Holy Spirit.  By now, you likely have guessed it is the gift of
> speaking in tongues.
>     I am not going to exegetically, or textually critically
> analyze, Acts chapter one, Chapter two, chapter ten, chapter
> nineteen, or even First Corinthians chapter fourteen, not to
> mention many other related passages because I have done this
> already in many articles, booklets, and at least one book.  So if
> you want to read, and you have doubts, the bible is the first
> place to begin.  That's what I had to do to prove to myself the
> gift of tongues is for today's church.  If you choose not to
> believe, it won't damage our friendship at all.  At least not on
> my part.  You don't have to speak in tongues to go to Heaven but
> you do have to be saved.
>     As I started to say, when the single word "prayer" burst in
> upon my thoughts, a feeling crashed in behind it.  If I had been
> standing, it could have possibly knocked me over.  Yes, it was
> that powerful.  I've had this happened before but I am always
> spiritually surprised when it happens.
>     The feeling that accompanied the word to pray, filled my
> spirit, that is to say, it impressed itself deeply upon my
> spiritual being.  I couldn't deny the truth of it, in other words,
> even if I had tried.  Yes, it was that real.  This illumination,
> or spiritual insight, simply said, "Every time the feeling of
> financial hopelessness, or financial defeat, or monetary lack, or
> even God's inability to provide comes to mind, pray in tongues."
> How simple.  Sure, I had the gift of tongues but how could this
> help my situation?  I thought you had to be somebody spiritual, or
> a theological giant, or a powerful man of God, or a well educated
> Biblical scholar, or a well known theologian, or the pastor of a
> megachurch, or at least a missionary nobody has ever heard of.
> Me?  That's what I'm supposed to do?
>     Because this spiritual enlightenment came to me during the
> mid morning hours of the day, I figured I'd start that very day
> and so I did.  No, it was far from easy.  I walked around the
> house throughout that entire day, praying out loud in tongues.
> Yes, I felt stupid and silly and ridiculous.  Yes, I wondered what
> my wife, or daughter, or grandchildren, or anyone else thought,
> who might have heard me.  Sure, it felt dumb to pray like that as
> I watched TV late that night and the financial feelings of doom
> came upon me.  I did it anyway.  I did it until I went to bed
> fully expecting to repeat the whole weird scenario the next day.
> Something different occurred, however, that next day.  The
> negative and ominous thoughts were fewer in number and intensity.
> It had to be my hyper spiritual Charismatic/Baptist imagination.
> I prayed anyhow clear up until I went to bed.  Yes, every time a
> thought came; I never missed praying.  Why?  Jesus said to so I
> did what He said.  On the third day, the negative thoughts of doom
> and gloom were gone.  No fooling.  Just totally gone.  I prayed
> anyhow but now I prayed because I was free to do so and I have
> been doing exactly that since.  Where did the thoughts go you ask?
> I think you know.
>     This, of course, is far from the end of the story.  No, it
> doesn't mean I suddenly became a millionaire.  I haven't won the
> Power Ball, especially since I don't even play that or the
> lottery.  No, nothing has changed.  I take that back; something
> has changed.  Me.  Jesus is still the same as always.  Does this
> mean I now will become rich?  No.  Wealthy?  No.  Well to do?  Not
> necessarily.  It means Jesus is Lord.  Did you expect Him to be
> more?
> Phil.
> -- 
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