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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:42:23 -0600
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Tell Peg I said "howdy". Those old Mirc days wow. /me sings "Jesus Is Just 
Alright With Me"... and what about the song "The Gift"? I don't have that 
one anymore with comp switches. hahaha. That goes back a few years.    I do 
pray for wisdom and God's leading in your consideration of friend to 
boyfriend. Boyfriend, that sounds so high school doesn't it? lol. 
Manfriend? Companion possibility? Whatever, I pray you know right where God 
wils for you in this area. That sounds like a friend in deed, I'm convicted 
now I haven't cleaned up the kitchen in a little bit lol. You certainly 
seem to be looking at it with both heart and wisdom. You know there's the 
old concern of taking a friendship and making it a romantic relationship 
and risking losing the friendship. I think that can happen but I think 
perhaps it is because maintaining  the friendship is forgotten after the 
romance comes in maybe? You know the same thing that can cause folks who 
have been married a long time to divorce, they lose that will to do for the 
other person, lose that spontaneity, the surprises as little as they can be 
at times. And it takes both sides to make that happen. Hmmm. I better do a 
best friend check myself here *smile*.


At 04:53 AM 1/21/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Well, I am awake and ready for work.  While reading the mail, I noticed a
>few things on which I'd like to comment.
>First, I'm thankful not to have been living as a woman in the early days
>because, having lost both of my children through miscarriage, I would not
>have fared well in men's eyes.  And, even today, I grieve for the children I
>could have had but were withheld from me.  It's one of those anticipated
>blessings, I guess.
>Brad, Peg from chat, was inquiring about you.  I told her you are still
>posting wisely.  Perhaps she'll join us again and we can have some more
>lively discussions.
>Interesting about God being to us what we need most.  Yes, God can be more
>"deceiving" than we if for our own good.  It's not necessarily labeled as
>deceiving in His plan though--more like Sovereignty.  There is no other like
>Him, and His ways are not our ways so He can accomplish what He will however
>He will.  I believe that is one way He uses to draw me even closer when I am
>so proned to wander.  One of my favorite lines in the hymn "Come Thou  Fount
>Of Every Blessing" is "Prone to wander,
>  Lord, I feel it!"  Don't you ever just feel yourself almost propelled in to
>a wanderlust away from God?  Yet our loving Daddy God brings us back to Him
>time and time again.  Maybe when you think of Chris, Kathy, perhaps you can
>claim this hymn and it's inspiring words and ask God to bring your wandering
>son back to Himself and to his family.
>So Brad is the babler, well, I ramble.  One thing more, and I'm out the
>door.  Hahaha.  I have a friend who is changing my life.  It started
>innocently enough with a comment about a tender young love that, like so
>many, was prone to wander.  After many years, God has allowed me to learn
>that my friend is indeed a believer and loves Him with his whole heart.
>This friend began demonstrating God's love through his actions via spiritual
>encouragement, financial support, and consistent friendship.  When I moved
>here to Columbus, he was there to help me.  When I had my apartment fire, he
>even washed my clothes and kept charge of things around the house while I
>was in the hospital and nursing home.  He kept my doggie, the best friend I
>have on earth, for me.  He even cleaned my kitchen once when I was at work
>because I was too tired to keep up with things.  I went to a party to relax,
>and he cleaned my home.  Now listen, he prays for me.  I have always been
>told that men should pray for their wives and I am not even his wife, but
>his prayers are a constant source of encouragement for me.  Haha, I got him
>hooked on the "Left Behind" books lately, and we've been reading and sharing
>our oppinions of the characters and events.  Now what I'm getting at is
>this.  I have enjoyed his friendship for such a long time and didn't see
>things being any different.  I have tried to move away from him in this
>direction because I didn't think it was such a great idea under past
>circumstances.  Today I find myself still drawn to him as a friend but also
>drawn to him as a partner.  It is, I think, because of his patient,
>persistent caring that my feelings are changing.  I covet your prayers,
>because many of you know I haven't always made the best decisions in terms
>of companionship and friends and yes, lovers.  Jesus is the lover of my
>soul, and I am beginning to think my friend is truly the lover of my heart.
>As for the wanderings of the young ones and the noncaring partners, God's
>love can be translated in to action when we try to love as He does even
>during adversity.  I don't know why I went here today, but I did.  My friend
>didn't even run from me the night I came home from the party to talk with my
>boyfriend about where our relationship should go.  He was cleaning my
>kitchen when boyfriend and I walked in.  Talk about a tense moment, I
>thought I had lost both boyfriend and friend.  Well, the difference between
>the two is one is a boyfriend and the other is truly a friend.  The boy had
>a temper tantrum and hasn't trusted me throughout our entire relationship,
>and the Friend still cares and didn't run in the face of conflict.
>Thanks for listening.


   The mighty oak tree was once a little nut that held its ground