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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Apr 2005 10:33:42 -0500
text/plain (74 lines)

Good points. I agree. Just as in the example that if I truly believe that
if I commit a crime in this country, I'll have need to suffer the
consequences, provided I'm caught, in which then I  will suffering
conscience only, but because of that belief, I take the necessary action
to carry out that belief. The same goes for believing in Christ, once one
comes to that realization, then turns to the Word to draw closer, one
can't help but see what God's desire is for his kids, which is indeed
helping others come to him but also helping those who have needs. The
scripture in Timothy I think it is which states if you know someone  is
cold and hungry and you say "be warmed and be well with you" and you give
them nothing, what good is your faith. That is a real motivator isn't it?
Sometimes  it is really convicting to feel so wrapped up in life,
similarly to the "God's Top Ten" I mentioned , that I really wonder how
God looks upon me. If given the opportunity to push a button and hear
God's voice audibly, I wonder if he'd say "Well done good and faithful
servant". Sometimes I really wonder.  Complacency is a faith killer isn't
it. So engrained into doing what needs to be done, so focused on deeds of
life, that one can be oblivious to other's needs and stagnate one's
compassion. And flip side to a lack of acting on faith, doing works, is
doing works for doing works sake, to say "See Lord? See? Look at me Lord?"
Or worse for a show to others  with a self-righteous attitude.



on 09:43 AM 4/8/2005, Ned Benton said:
As always, you have posed a good question and are stimulating our minds
hearts to search out God's word.
I believe that both (belief & obedience) are imperative to a right
relationship with the Lord.
Our concept of belief is a bit thwarted.  We seem to think that belief is
the acceptance of something or agreement with something or someone.  The
word in the Bible for belief, as seen in the Greek, is a word that, as an
integral part of it's definition, has the idea of action.  The word
is, in the Greek language, an action noun, a bit different from English,
There is another scripture that comes to mind
Hebrews 11 and verse 6,

And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes
to him
must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek

Faith is absolutely neccessary for salvation.  One must "come" to God and

when one comes to God, he must be "faithful".  We must live a life of
which means a life of belief in God and a life of putting that faith to
for Him.

Well,  there's my 2 cents worth and it didn't cost you a thing.  Now, you
are two cents richer.

(smile)God bless you all,
