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Asdis Jenna Astradsdottir <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Wed, 17 Sep 2003 18:02:05 -0700
text/plain (161 lines)
i agree. Asdis
At 12:49 17.9.2003 -0400, Kat wrote:
>And, I might add, please have someone check your grammar and spelling.  I
>noticed you used ampersands ('&') instead of spelling out 'and' and
>excessive punctuation.  Frankly, most employers would question a person's
>ability to communicate when reading 'My writing skills have made my web
>site a glowing success.  Two of my
>essays were published in a Canadian magazine entitled The Ability's
>Network, which were the following: YES,  I DO EXIST!!! and Seeking a
>Post-Secondary Education.  In addition, I had several of my writings
>published in Brookdale Community College's as well in Monmouth
>University's literary magazines and newspapers.'
>Business (and educational) communications have strict standards.
>I agree with Kyle on all of his points, and as I told you in an email I
>sent to you personally, I think you need to present yourself to a
>prospective employer as a prospective employee who is flexible and willing
>to meet the company's standards for its employees, not expect the company
>to meet your standards as a disabled employee who wants the company to
>bend its needs to fit you.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: "Cleveland, Kyle E." <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Sep 17, 2003 11:49 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Exploring job opportunities
>To be honest, I've never heard of a "discussion group monitor" in terms of a
>specific job title.  If I could offer some advice (and PLEASE don't take
>this as criticism) from someone who has been in the "professional" work
>world for nearly a quarter century, you NEED to get a resume' or curriculum
>vitae together.  You must use "action" words and phrases like: "developed",
>"managed", "revamped", "saved X dollars", etc. If you've not had experience
>doing this, Student Services at any of the schools you've attended have
>folks who do nothing but assist others in creating these.  Other resources
>are the Jobs Corps, Voc. Rehab. and the like.  It's imperative that you have
>something ON PAPER (no links), that's very concise and succinct to give to a
>prospective employer.  Believe me, if they have to take the time to open web
>links to see if you're an appropriate candidate, they won't give your
>application a second thought.
>The second bit of advice is to determine the appropriate job title for what
>you want to do.  The US Department of Labor has a "Dictionary of
>Occupational Titles" with about 12,000 entries and descriptions.  Check out
>this link: http://www.oalj.dol.gov/libdot.htm and search the dictionary.
>You really need to query prospective employers with a standard job title.
>Next, unless you are seeking a job specifically relating to the disabled
>community, I would avoid references to your disability.  Right or wrong,
>legal or otherwise, employers by and large are gun-shy of job candidates who
>overtly refer to a disability.  Even though you may regard the issue as of
>no consequence, if the prospective employer notes you have a disability
>BEFORE THE FIRST INTERVIEW, what they see is someone who, potentially, could
>require extensive ADA compliance, greater use of sick leave, higher
>utilization of health benefits, etc.  Even if you know that this doesn't
>describe you, the employer won't take the time to find out if he/she is just
>scanning your resume'/C.V.
>Lastly, focus your job search on those organizations that would most likely
>be interested in what you can bring to the table and would be least likely
>to be concerned with your disability.  Examples would be: City/County Health
>Boards and Clinics, Rehab/Mental Health Clinics, Employee Assistance
>Programs (EAPs).
>Things are VERY tight right now in the job market--especially for those in
>the social sciences that depend on gov't funding.  I hate to say it, but you
>need to be willing to take anything that will "get your foot in the door",
>with the notion that your "ideal" job might need to be created down the
>I hope this didn't sound harsh, but these are the cold, hard facts regarding
>finding a job right now.  I have tons of post-grad education, years of
>experience and I'm working for an agency that (currently) is "in the black".
>Even so, the folks here never know if today's the last day they'll be here.
>I've never seen the "white collar"/"tech" job market so unstable as it is
>right now.  That means the competition for available jobs is incredible.  If
>you expect to get hired, you really have to shine for that first impression.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Yvonne Singer [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 7:15 PM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Exploring job opportunities
>Dear Colleagues:
>Currently, I earned my Masters in Psychology from Walden University in
>2002.  Previously, I received my Associates from Brookdale Community
>College in 1994 and Bachelors in Psychology from Monmouth University in
>Due to my strong computer and writing skills, I am seeking to become a
>discussion group monitor.  How does one inquire about this job position?
>Having an extraordinary background in computer science has given me the
>skills to design a personal web page http://home.att.net/~ysinger/.
>Actually, I taught myself HTML code, cut & paste Javascript Code, to
>permanently place midi / MP3 files and graphics
>(http://home.att.net/~ysinger/bannerysg.htm) on a site, FTP, and DOS
>Starting from 8/31/2003 to the present, I am volunteering to promote and
>to crop photos for LifeWise Community Projects, Inc.
>(www.lifewise-nh.org) Web Site.  Beginning from 8/21/2003 to 8/23/2003,
>I volunteered to edit content to the World Association of Persons with
>disAbilities (WAPD) Web Site.  The following content was edited:
>http://www.wapd.org/news/030719.html, and
>Starting from 11/07/2002 to the present, I have been volunteering to add
>content to and update the Monmouth County Department of Human Services
>Web Site.  The following content was added to
>http://home.att.net/~ysinger/news.htm, and
>http://home.att.net/~ysinger/health.htm.  Previously, I edited web pages
>for Merck during the summer of 1998.
>My writing skills have made my web site a glowing success.  Two of my
>essays were published in a Canadian magazine entitled The Ability's
>Network, which were the following: YES,  I DO EXIST!!! and Seeking a
>Post-Secondary Education.  In addition, I had several of my writings
>published in Brookdale Community College's as well in Monmouth
>University's literary magazines and newspapers.
>Feel free to contact me [log in to unmask]
>Thank you for your time and consideration.
>Yvonne Singer

Asdis night owl mom of the purring cats, Agatha Mist queen of our apartment
and Odinn Thistill my little baby!!!
implanted with CI NC24 18 Juni 2003.
Hookup-date 15 august 2003
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask] msn messenger
asdisj_astradsdottir yahoo id.
Faith, Hope and Love.