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Thu, 23 Aug 2001 20:34:35 -0500
Tiffanie Doyle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I still am unsure how to do this but here it goes.  I got so many wonderful
replies that it took two days to read them all.  lol

1.  Now i know spelt is not GF.  I will not buy it no more.  I was given
great websites to visit here is one that came up alot:

Spelt is a form of wheat. It has gluten. Period. No matter what the
health food store people say. See http://www.celiac.com/corn.html#spelt Also
see http://dfa.leb.chemie.tu-muenchen.de/EJahr1994.html#2.11 and go to 2.11
Spelt Wheat and coeliac disease

2.  As for the iodine, it was a 50/50 reply.  I know noe that she can have
salt, just not too much iodine.  Also people suggested i take my daughter
to a allergist.  I plan to make the appointment tomorrow.

3.  As for the bumps on my daughter   90% of replies stated to get my
daughter to a dermatologist and have her a skin biopsy to find out if it is
DH.  Then i guess i would know.  I was also told that she could be reacting
from iodine.  I guess i will make that appoinment also tomorrow.  (if i can
get one. )

4.  Everyone recomended that i get tested as well as other 1st degree and
2nd degree relatives.  This is one statment from a reply:

Since early detection is crucial in preventing a host of other disorders
and diseases (http://www.healthscoutnews.com/080601rate.htm), and celiac is
a genetic disease, I personally believe that once one person in a family is
diagnosed, everyone (especially children and parents) should be screened
also, just as a matter of course.

 These were the tests besides the biopsy that were recomended:

   1. antigliadin antibodies IgA
   2. antigliadin antibodies IgG
   3. antiendomycial antibodies IgA
   4. tissue transglutaminase tTG

Thanks to all who replied.  I did write a thanks to everyone, because i was
not sure if i was supposed to or not.  lol my fingers hurt now.  Again
thanks to all for  all the help  Tiffanie in Las Vegas, NV