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Tue, 02 Apr 1996 02:24:27 -0800
Swedish Vegetarian Society <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (124 lines)
About protein...

This was said first:
Since the human baby is growing new tissue at the most rapid rate of its
entire life, the baby's protein needs are at a MAXimum, and Nature has
provided 1.1% protein in human milk to support this rapid development.

And this was the answer:
I have read in a number of places that the human body replaces all its
cells in a year. This means that, say, a 150 pound adult grows 150 pounds
of new cells a year.

And this is my respond to that:
Anybody who weighs 150 pounds consists of more than 100 pounds of wasser,
(that is water in english) so the actual body weight of solid mass is
less than 50 pounds - is this correct or not? Please check:( )-Yes ( )-No

The answer continues:
A baby, in its first year of life, might replace 10 pounds and add 30 for
a total of 40 pounds of new cells per year. So, in comparison, the baby
produces 0.1 pound of new cells per day, an adult 0.5 pounds!

My calculation gives this:
A 40 pound baby=13 pounds of protein (oh how I love to type these figures
down, aren't they sweet) and if this has to be replaced in one year the
baby must eat 0.03 pounds a day for replacement only. Add to that the new
mass it has to build - well how fast do the little people really grow? 7
pounds a year at an average is somewhere close to the truth. this gives a
growth of 2.3 pounds of real body weight every year the way I see it or
0.006 pounds a day. Totally this gives 0.036 pounds a day or close to
0.04 pounds, yeehaw!  Correct( )   Incorrect( )

The answer again:
The adult produces *more* cells than the fast growing baby! (Given the
relative size difference, 150 vs 40 pounds, it's not surprising).

The way I calculate would give the following:
Less than 50 pounds a year is equivalent to less than 1 pound a week and
actually only 0.14 pounds of protein a day, at the most - agree? Then we
have these figures...little old baby needs 0.04 pounds a day and big
old adult needs 0.14 pounds a day.   ( )Wahr    ( )Nicht wahr

The answer continues :
Further, the baby eats several times daily, while adults eat only say, 3
meals per day. This suggests that the baby eats more food on a weight
adjusted basis, i.e., that the baby eats more food per pound of
individual body weight.

My reply is:
When I eat fruit and veggies only I also eat like a baby, several times a
day - far more than three meals, probably something like ten to fifteen.
Eating grains, seeds, nuts and other heavy stuff makes it impossible to
eat more than 2 pounds a day, while eating fruits only makes it possible
to eat twice that weight or more. Ain't life sweet?

This is the answer again:
Putting these two together, we have: adults produce more cells, hence
need more protein, and, adults eat less food than babies, per pound of
body mass. This indicates that adults' food should have *more* protein
(not less), on a percentage basis, than babies food - milk! So the
protein percentage in milk is not a maximum, but rather a minimum.

Back to the original message:
Modern nutritional research now admits that the adult's need for protein
is about 1/3 of the infant's, so the adult needs only about 1/3% of
protein in its overall diet to adequately meet its needs.  More than than
that leads to indigestion and the creation of toxins that lay the
foundation for many diseases commonly accepted as "normal".

And the answer to that:
Since you claim modern research supports your view, perhaps you could
list the *specific* references?

Original message again:
This biologically correct quantity of protein may be EASILY supplied by
fruits and vegetables. Meats (16-36%), eggs (13%), cheese (20-36%),
nuts/seeds (10-30%), beans and tofu (8%), grains (3-13%) all have FAR too
much protein for the human to properly digest and should be avoided.
Animal products contain large amounts of animal protein, saturated fats,
cholesterol and heme iron. These produce many diseases; especially the
Big Three: heart attack, stroke, and cancer.  Cooking animal protein/fat
produces some of the most potent carcinogens known.

It is best to totally eliminate ALL animal proteins first, and then taper
off excess plant proteins as the body becomes healthier.

Answer again:
---Censored--- Just kidding, I had to cut this long text a little...
On a related note, I would comment on your use of milk as a model for
human nutritional needs. One notes that milk contains fat and vitamin E,
which are scarce in raw fruit (avocadoes are only major source); milk
contains calcium in abundance while it is present in limited quantities
in fruit, and milk has B-vitamins, including B-12; fruit has only limited
B-vitamins, and no B-12.

Now here's my reply, hold on:
Who or what says that you neccesarily need B-12 if you don't eat meat or
dead vegetables? Can anybody tell me? I don't believe fruitarians have
need for B-12 since they don't break down their nervous systems with
their food as carnivores and ordinary vegetarians do. Any comments???

Back to answer again:
Also, milk has very little sugar, mostly in the form of lactose (slow to
digest), while fruit is loaded with fructose, glucose, other sugars, all
of which are digested very rapidly and can produce a glucose spike with
associated sugar rush. So, per the milk model, it appears that fruit
doesn't rate very high as a food!

From books you learn to repeat, from life you learn to understand. 1998
or 1999 a group of 33 crazy, courageos swedes - and actually anybody is
welcome to join - are about to go to a tropical island  and live there
together for three years, eating fruits only. The one and only criteria
for joining this group is to try to live on nothing else (except for
severe crisises, that is). Please contact FUN (Fruitarian Universal
Network) for more details (if they are available on www at this moment, I
doubt so) or if you wish to join this carnival (carnival means goodbye to

Relax, it's all working out perfectly - Love will eventually conquer all!
