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boat1400 <[log in to unmask]>
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Raw Food Diet Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 02:33:02 -0800
text/plain (54 lines)

Is it ok to chop up raw corn and just munch on that?

I am new to the whole raw food thing, and am trying to
ease my way into it, and get off the horrible diet I have
been on all my life. My brother is helping me & encouraging
to do this!

I went to the organic store, the one that sells the
corn from a bushel looking thing, and I weighed out
a bag of it, and here are my questions:

1.) do I need to wash the corn in any way, or can
I just put it in the grinder and kind of grind it down
and munch on it as a snack? (it tastes prett good raw!)

2.) if I have to wash it, won't this destroy all the
'living' things in it, like enzymes (and other things
we haven't discovered yet).

3.) is raw corn even considered healthy, or should
I start out with something like fruit or tomatos
(i.e. something with squishy juice inside it
like tomatos).

4.) Am I right to say that anything a person does to
the corn, like cooks it or steams it or whatever, kills
the 'living' part of the corn? Thats the theory, right,
that these foods straight from the vine to your stomach,
have lots of enzymes and things that are really healthy
for you?

Any comments would be most appreciated.

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