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Sun, 20 Apr 1997 10:43:04 +0200
text/plain (24 lines)
Thank to Tom for your answer about breatharian people
I feel good been a fruitarian since 11 years  vegetarian since 27 years.
Some friends are instincto since more than 11 years also . I visited
montrami from time to time and and I have respect for GC Burger - even
if i don't agree with all his "method" and behaviours - because raw is
so important, smelling is a deep learning about our real needs and
tasting is a real pleasure to be aware of.
RAF do not smell "light" for me so I eat fruits and vegetable-fruits.
Sometime  cassia during few months each morning - big salad with
avocado, tomatos, cucumber and green salad each day arount 12 and fruits
(when it is possible for Orkos-montrami because they are the best fruits
available in France) two time before 8pm.
I enjoy spiritual purifications (meditation, dance, yoga and
gardening,...) and everything seem ok.
by the way, I do not give too much importance to food because there are
also so much other "things" to push us out of balance (from outside and
A peacefull life with love and laughters is my food
Tantra is quite interesting and I would be please to read those books
you spoke about "Aghora". Not absolutely necessary but may be
interesting for opening and learning about myself . Thank