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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 15:12:53 +0000
text/plain (34 lines)
Hi Ellie and Dave,

>Has anyone had success with relief from sciatica on a raw food diet?
>have thickened discs in my lower spine and bouts of sciatica from time
>to time. I've been hearing that glucosamine and chondroiten sulfate
>have helped rebuild cartilage and relieved symptoms of arthritis. Any
>opinions whether these nutrients would help sciatica?

Since you are doing Yoga already (but do you muscle training in the gym
also?) I have scanned my books about orthomolecular medicin concerning
nutrients recommended for arthritis or sciatica.

Dr. Burgerstein writes, that Vitamin B6 in megadoses (100..1000mg daily)
can be helpful. It must be taken some days before you normally have
problems. You shouldn't exceed 1500mg daily because this can lead to
numbness in fingers and toes (reversible by going down with the dosage).
Also according to him it would be a good idea to supplement the other
B-Vitamins also because they are belonging together and are naturally
contained in foods as a group.

As an instinctive eater I would remark, that supplements are lacking the
natural environment of the contained substances, therefore should always be
eaten together with a meal that containes the same substances as the
supplement. This is some sort of cheat to your body but for me it works
(detoxing heavy metals is easier now), so you might give it a try.

Best garbled regards,


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