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Sat, 26 Oct 1996 08:03:51 +0000
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi Meredith

> I remember reading about your kombucha experience.  What was the final
> outcome?  Do you recommned it? My father just gave me a culture, but it
> seems that the yeast is just a vehivle to consume caffeine and sugar.

Although I still have a jug of Kombucha tea in the frig and maybe
eight "babies" in the back of the frig, I haven't actually consumed
any tea in probably at least a month or two. I stopped using it on a
regular basis, though occasionally I do have the desire to have a few
ounces. So I follow the whim and sip a bit every once in a while.

As far as fasting goes, personally I'd start with a good juice diet
for a week or two. I've had excellent luck with the juice diets I've
gone on and enjoy them throughly. I can't say the same about fasts
with water alone. I find them fascinating but not enjoyable.

I also highly recommend the Kiki Sidhwa three-day water fast
(available on my web site), seven day fruit mono diet, and 30-day
all raw vegan diet. I did this regime once and had fabulous results
with it.

Hope this helps.

Enjoy brain-engaging and assumption-busting natural health
articles:  http://members.GNN.COM/chetday/open.htm