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Sun, 04 May 1997 20:44:34 -0500
"Jeffrey S. Novick" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (95 lines)
I don;t have the time today to address all your quotes and references,
but will make a comment or two:

> Coronary Heart Disease: What The Experts Say
> "In Framingham, Massachusetts, the more saturated fat one ate, the
> more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower
> people's serum cholesterol...we found that the people who ate the most
> cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories weighed
> the least and were the most physically active."
> --William Castelli, Director of The Framingham Study

You didn;t say from when or where this quote came from.

It is definitely not the current thought of Dr. Castelli.

I spoke with Dr. Castelli recently (November 1996) and hold in my hand
his most recent published information "Lipids and Coronory Heart
DIsease: The Cholesterol Campaign 1996" which is also a transcript from
a presentation he gave for cardiologists and CV surgeons at the time.

"Three quarters of the cholesterol in our bodies is manufactured by our
bodies and that mostly outside our livers.  Two-thirds of the excess
cholesterol in our bodies is from eating to much saturated fat...
...it causes atherosclerosis".

" Total cholesterol is related to total death; the lower ones
cholesterol the longer one lives."

"Once your total cholesterol exceeds 150... you need an adequate HDL to
avoid atherosclerosis  Total cholesterol/HDL ratio easiest to use. 	Is
the simplest and most accurate lipid predictor of risk.  Ideal is under

"Treatment begins with diet.  All pts are to be put on a diet to
accomplish three things 1) Maintain ideal body weight by the 1959
Metropolitan Life Insurance Companies ideal weights, or better to have a
waist to hip ratio less than 1 in men and less then .8 in women. 2)
Lower intake of saturated fat ..  3)Lower intake of dietary cholesterol"

"Just have the pt count grams of saturated fat." (Rec'd #'s he then
gives are between 12-28 depending on caloric intake.)

"If i remove the saturated fat from your diet I remove most of the
cholesterol.  ....  Take the standard ten recipes that everyone eats
from and ... make those recipes with low saturated fat and cholesterol.
Spend money on a professional dietary advice and take diet seriously!""

"Avoid foods with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.  Butter has
trans fatty acids and there are margarines which are lower then butter
in TFA.  Pick a margarine which starts with the word water on the
ingredient list.  These are either lower than butter in trans fatty acid
or have very little more then butter, ..having half the total fat, and
only 0 to 1/3 the saturated fat."

"Take all the diet studies ever done in medicine. Without exception they
all show the same thing.  For each one percent they lowered cholesterol
there is a 2-3% fall in CHD.  Many of these studies have NOW lowered the
total death rate."

>From an interview from summer 1996 with Dr. Castelli from Good Medicine:

"NOW we know that if I lower your cholesterol, I can prevent you from
having a heart attack."

"as far as diet goes, its really our lifestyle that is killing us.  The
vegetarains societies of the world all have the kind of cardiovascular
systems that we would like to have, and they also have a much lower rate
of cancer."

" when we compared the second generation to the first generation, there
has been some improvement.  Cholesterol has (NOW) fallen, and BP has

"If you get your total cholesterol under 150, it is very hard to get a
hard attack."

"The vegetarian societies of the world have the best diet.  They outlive
the rest of us by 7 years and they have only 10 to 15 percent of our
heart attack rate.  They have only 40 percent of our cancer rate.  If
you don;t smoke you reduce your cancer risk by half, but they do better
then that.  We like to put these people down in America, but actually
they do better than other groups from a health standpoint, and if you
ever see them in old age, they run circles around other people."

"They don;t get osteoporosis either, even thought they don;t drink

"I think the pure vegetarians do the best.  Thats true especially with
the men,... not as true with the women."