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Len Warner <[log in to unmask]>
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PCBUILD - Personal Computer Hardware discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Jul 1998 23:25:33 +0100
text/plain (34 lines)
Philippe Beaulieu wrote:
>THIS  next passage is directly from the handbook
>to my motyerboard::::""use 5v EDO or FPM SIMM MODULES
>any combination of specified modules allowed
>f w i w

It would have been worth more, Philippe, if you
had chosen to tell us which motherboard you have.

You have shown us that at least one motherboard
does accomodate either EDO or FPM simm,
but we don't know how representative
this is of motherboards in general.

We don't know if yours is:
* a popular motherboard, or
* a widely-used chipset, or even whether it is
* from a mainstream manufacturer.

(This is a reminder to us all that the _right_ context
 - not just quoting - is vital to a good reply.)

Can we go back to the question and relate the answers
to the memory simms - is there a microelectronics
expert among our readers who can tell us:

a) what it is about EDO that makes it incompatible with FPM
   (e.g. timing or pinout differences)
b) whether, as asked, there is 'newer' EDO memory
   that is compatible with FPM, or even whether
   this is a possibility or a meaningful question?

Len Warner <[log in to unmask]> WWW Pager http://wwp.mirabilis.com/10120933