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Dennis Noble <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 23:17:37 EDT
text/plain (19 lines)
I am trying to replace the cable on my monitor (IBM PS/2 model 8513)

>The reason I am
>replacing it is because some of the pins on this cable that plugs up to the
>video card are broken... so all I get when i plug it up to the video card
isa white >screen.

Are you sure that the pins are broken? I am not sure about your IBM PS/2, but
there are not always pins in all of the slots. In addition, if the monitor is
really old, it my not be compatible with newer systems and could possibly
damage the video card. Again, I am not familiar with the PS/2 line and I
could be totally wrong.

Dennis Noble

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