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Madeline Mason <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 5 Aug 2001 12:38:22 EDT
text/plain (39 lines)
(I am back after spending 3 months without a computer (gasp!), so I have
missed 3 months worth of digests and obviously have not posted either.)

In a message dated 8/4/01 5:00:07 PM, Lynda Bryson <[log in to unmask]

<< No wonder so many women on HRT end up gaining even
more weight.  Our bodies, which are programmed to hold
on to whatever hormones are still available after
menopause, are stimulated to produce even more fat
reserves for the additional hormones from HRT.

This life transition isn't far away for me, and I'm
hoping my dietary practices will help me thru it. I'm
already struggling with the 35 lbs. I've gained over
the last few years as a result of hypothyroid.  No way
am I considering HRT. >>

I cannot comment on whether or not this is verifiably true (that " Our
bodies. . . are stimulated to produce even more fat
reserves for the additional hormones from HRT."), but clearly the loss of
women's hormones causes many bodily changes which can be very unpleasant and
deleterious to health and longevity for many women. And it has been noted
that obese women generally produce more estrogen than thin women. Perhaps
this is why heavy women often reach menopause later than their skinny
sisters. Perhaps this is also why obese women are more prone to various
"female" cancers. But I digress. The point here is that HRT consists of a
group of hormones made from conjugated horse estrogens and other artificial
drugs totally alien to the human body. NHR (Natural Hormone Replacement)
offers another alternative for those suffering from severe menopausal
distress. In any case, I would love to discuss menopause, hormones and the
paleodiet with other interested women, but I think it is too off topic to be
sustained on this list. I invite any and all other interested women to
contact me off list for further discussion.

Maddy Mason
Hudson Valley, NY
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