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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:49:25 -0700
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I would not have passed over the swollen ankles, etc.  I would have made an appt with my doc that very day.  Get that checked out.  Oliva

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

--- On Fri, 6/26/09, Brenda Young <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

From: Brenda Young <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: [PALEOFOOD] Squeaky/jiggly fat and tart cherry
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Friday, June 26, 2009, 1:43 AM

Hahaha, Stevie, I'm with ya on that one!!!  I am totally not "afraid" of fat, either, not the problem!!  While your problem is a visual one, mine is, well, hmm, what's the word for wanting to puke when a piece of fat gets in your teeth and it SQUEAKS???  Oh MY.  LOL.  Can't deal, nope.  Give me my fat in nice liquid or SOMETHING form, and not in the squeaky, jiggly form, NOPE.  (And that squeaky stuff doesn't taste so good either, once you get past the squeaks!!!  Yicky!!!)

Bren, who will do any non-squeaky fat
And Bren, jest sayin'...about the gout/joint-related stuff.  Dunno if this is paleo or not, but I can sing the praises of that tart cherry concentrate you can get at health food stores, for real.  Have used it to great success when hubby gets gout about once a year or so.  And just last week I honestly thought I might be having a "heart attack issue", as my left ankle swelled up to elephant size (I've NEVER had swollen ankles, even when pregnant, this was VERY NEW for me, and I'm 47), AND my left arm hurt like hell, and my neck was very stiff, all classic symptoms of a heart issue for a woman.  I drank some of that cherry stuff after a week or so of not knowing what else to do, and my symptoms are gone.  Overnight.  Are cherries paleo???
Bren, with normal ankles again, YAY

I try to eat plenty of fat...not afraid of it in fact. But how? How do you cut the fat off a nice steak and eat it?
I look at it, all soft and jiggly on the plate and just cannot bring myself to put it in my mouth. I am a big baby, I admit it. :-\


Bill Wilcox wrote:
> Contrary to popular belief, meat does not lead to gout.  There is much research on the subject.  Are you eating enough fat?  Do not trim the fat from your meat.  Eat it first.
>   Bill