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Dori Zook <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 10:31:30 -0600
text/plain (32 lines)
Hey!  Did anyone else watch Letterman last night?  He had Marilou Henner on
(who I find inherently annoying, but I digress) who has yet another health
book out; I mean hey, she's an actress, she must know EVERYTHING (once
again, I digress).

I'll give Henner credit; I'm 98% sure she's a vegetarian but she didn't
mention this.  Guess she knows that's a Pandora's box.  By the way, her book
is on nutrition for kids and she DOES address the 'white foods' to avoid,
including milk which she DID mention.

At any rate, Letterman tells her he's eating six meals a day and plenty of
protein; she goes NUTS!  "It's HORRIBLE, you're body can't handle that, you
get awful breath and circles under your eyes, don't ever, EVER believe that
stuff about protein diets, blah blah blah."  Letterman kind of ignored that
and asked "Come on, you don't really need all those grains, now do ya?
That's what gives you the high cholesterol from their high glycemic index."
Of course, Henner goes nuts talking about how good they are and they don't
have cholesterol in them Dave actually put up a friendly fight of sorts
ending it with a comic/sarcastic "You callin' me a LIAR?" which cracked the
audience up and let him change the topic, God bless him.

In other words, Dave's got doctors smart enough to know the SAD is what put
him under the knife and I'm glad they're finally catching on.  Is Letterman
eating like a caveman?  Maybe not entirely but he's obviously closer than
when he started.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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