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EngJrnTchr <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Milk/Casein/Lactose-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:23:52 -0500
text/plain (39 lines)
Hello all,

I am curious to know what kind of problems,
regulations, etc. you have faced with your
children carrying Epi-Pens in school.  Depending
on kindergarten screening results my daughter may
go to kindergarten next year.

There seems to be a school policy that medicines
must stay in the nurse's office.  To this point
Elizabeth has carried her Epi-Pen everywhere she
goes in a backpack.  At daycare we keep it on a
shelf that other children cannot reach.

I may have to do more than have a prescription
and/or doctor's letter to make it okay for her to
carry it in her backpack.  I hope this is not a
big battle, although I'm willing to fight it.  Of
course I plan to pack her lunches, snacks, etc.
That isn't even a question in my mind.

My concern is that she have it on the school bus
(It wouldn't be wise to leave a pen on a hot
school bus), to take with her to after school
activities, and everywhere else, etc.  My husband
and I both work 25 miles away from her school.

I'm not sure that I'm ready for this change in our
lives and the milk allergy.  I had considered
holding her back an additional year so she could
be extra mature to deal with allergy management
problems.  If the screening doesn't advise that,
then she will attend school in the fall.  She is
also close to the cut-off date so
age/maturity/readiness is still a question.

Your thoughts and input would be appreciated.