Discussiones in Interlingua


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Jay Bowks <[log in to unmask]>
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INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua
Sun, 2 Nov 1997 06:58:13 -0500
text/plain (86 lines)
E nunc pro un cosa totalmente differente...

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-----Original Message-----
From: Listserv Manager <[log in to unmask]>
To: ILVI <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Saturday, November 01, 1997 9:53 PM
Subject: EFC: Companions Password

>On behalf  of Da'an, the American  Companion, I ask your  forgiveness for

Parlante pro Da'an le Companiero American, io demanda vostre
perdon pro...

>the  great length  of time  which  it has  required to  do the  necessary

le grande duration de tempore requirite pro...

>security checks on your request to gain access to our Taelon Intranet.

facer le cheques necessari de securitate re vostre demanda de
accesso al nostre intranet Taelon...

>Fortunately  your request  has been  granted. You  will now  have limited

Gaudiosemente nos vos extende permission. Vos nunc habera
accesso limitate...

>access  to  the  Companion  intranet   through  the  Companion  web  site

al intranet del Companieros per medio del sito del Tela del

>(currently at The  password is ...

actualmente al URL . Le "password"

(isto es censorate information private mais vos pote obtiner
vostre proprie "password")

>I look forward to continuing  our communication, particularly through the

Io spera continuar nostre communication, particularmente per
medio del...

>biweekly Companion newsletter which I will be writing.

revista biseptimanal que io va scriber...

>Ronald Sandoval Attache to Da'an The American Companion

Ronald Sandoval Attache' al Companiero American Da'an...

> In a spirit of brotherhood and friendship, we welcome you to

In spirito de fraternitate e amicitate, nos offere un benvenita
a vos...

> our site. Consider it our contribution -- our voice -- in the

a nostre sito. Considera lo nostro contribution -- nostre voce -- in le...

> vast collage of collective conciousness that you call the net.

vaste collage de conscientia collective que vos appella le Rete.


Si vos gusta de SciFi, visita iste sito del Tela, illo es
un nove serie in le Statos... Alsi si vos gusta de illo vos
pote visitar illo es mi favorite... :-)

Jay B.