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UDP United Kingdom <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 1 May 2011 16:27:44 +0100
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*''You listen my good friend, if you think you guys have a monopoly on
deciding who is significant or relevant about the future of our country, you
are really full of yourself. STGDP is well aware of what your party is all
about, without a doubt there are people in your party that we have
trememdous amount of respect, but please go ahead and sever relationbship
with us. Let me tell you,  STGDP folks have long given up on you guys, it is
tjhe Musa Jengs of the world who naiively believed that maybe  will
eventually come to your senses. Gambia belongs to all of us, and it is going
to take the particiaption of all dedicated Gambians to save our country''*-

No! no! no! Musa. You got me wrong on that. I am not talking about the
future of the country. I mean about having an influence over UDP. In that
respect you don't matter for we have seen your true colours. This is the


On 1 May 2011 15:45, Musa Jeng <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  You listen my good friend, if you think you guys have a monopoly on
> deciding who is significant or relevant about the future of our country, you
> are really full of yourself. STGDP is well aware of what your party is all
> about, without a doubt there are people in your party that we have
> trememdous amount of respect, but please go ahead and sever relationbship
> with us. Let me tell you,  STGDP folks have long given up on you guys, it is
> tjhe Musa Jengs of the world who naiively believed that maybe  will
> eventually come to your senses. Gambia belongs to all of us, and it is going
> to take the particiaption of all dedicated Gambians to save our country.
> Thank you
> Musa Jeng
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "UDP United Kingdom" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask]
>  Sent: Sunday, May 1, 2011 5:53:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>   I think Musa Jeng has vindicated my position on STGDP here. I have
> always maintained to the UDP that this group is a bunch of dishonest and
> insincere incompetents who no serious political party should look up to in
> facilitating a coalition with other political parties.
> This guy [Musa Jeng] was on the conference call when Karamba Touray was
> crying for help from the STGDP to help bring Halifa Sallah and his pdois
> party to the table so that they can sit down with the UDP representatives
> [ousainu included] and iron-out their differences. He also posited to the
> group that there is a UDP proposal on the table containing overtures and
> concessions for pdois and that it was only a matter of having pdois at the
> table for the process to begin. This was after Alhagi Ousainu Darboe tried
> several times to talk to Halifa Sallah in person but without success- halifa
> maintained and very crudely that he doesn't want to talk to ousainu. They
> [Stgdp] too tried their best to talk to halifa and get him at the table but
> he [halifa] was running away from them prompting the same Musa JENG to say
> that Ousainu Darboe should be commended since he is the only one who always
> picks his phone anytime the stgdp calls.
> We [Karamba and I] also informed them about the talks the udp had with the
> other parties [PPP, NRP and GMC] at the initiation of the UDP. It was
> ousainu who single handily worked out and led those talks after been given a
> mandate by the UDP. It was the same Ousainu Darboe who drove from his
> residence in Pipeline to meet Hon. Sidia Jatta at Last Bundung for talks as
> part of his overtures to pdois- this was after halifa explicitly stated that
> he does not want to talk to ousainu- only for halifa sallah to arrogantly
> turn around to say sidia doesn't represent them.
> Given these facts, I wonder how on earth any reasonable person can conclude
> that ousainu is not prepared to sit with other leaders and make serious
> overtures. I know Musa Jeng is a very reasonable guy; he is just happened to
> be very dishonest and insincere on this issue.
> The udp dont' care what goes on in NADD as we are not and will never be
> part of that organisation.  Therefore, it will be helpful if Musa jeng can
> save us from his NADD eulogy.
> As far as the UDP is concern, the nadd issue is an antiquated one that has
> not only been rendered obsolete but also utterly meaningless to talk about
> in this coalition debate.
> I will make a case to the UDP about the STGDP once again. The aim is to
> have a severed relation between them and the UDP. The STGDP thinks they
> mattered when in fact, they don’t.
> Kind Regards
> Daffeh
> On 1 May 2011 10:08, UDP United Kingdom <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hey joe, hold on to your farts for a seconds. The adults are having a
>> conversation. You are a rude kid and have no place here.
>> Do us a favour, will you.
>>   On 1 May 2011 02:47, Joe Joe <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> I think UDP seem to have a serious internal problem.  Here you have this
>>> nut in Daffeh to show his stupidity below and at the same time Karamba is
>>> talking with STGDP about a collaboration and specifically came to the STGDP
>>> on behalf of the UDP, barely a week ago.  Is Daffeh well?  Karamba is not
>>> dead and very alive to refute what I am stating. It appears the left hand
>>> does not know what the right hand is doing, unless the UDP is engage in a
>>> scheme.  Yeah, we are a bunch of this and that, precisely because it has
>>> sunk in your coconut head that we are not here to hold the bucket for
>>> anyone, including the UDP.  You tried your arrogant rudeness during our
>>> meetings and when you were met half way, you receded.  The gull in you!
>>>  Come again with your stupid Mansa mentality and speak like you were
>>> suffering from hemorrhoids and see if you last a minute in our meetings.
>>>  Since you are on the offensive, I am here to tell yourself, UDP, and
>>> Ousainou to go to hell.  No one is interested in coaxing you bunch, the
>>> reason why you pop up here to seek relevance.  Next time anyone one of you
>>> come to the STGDP to discuss anything I will register some choice words for
>>> them when I take the floor.  Is this the kind of party that Gambians think
>>> are going to liberate them?  Gambians left you bunch alone to go on with
>>> your business as you see fit, only to see that you have no business of your
>>> own after all but keep on showing up here with all kinds of nonsense. You
>>> said you bunch are all over Gambia and hundreds of Gambians are leaving the
>>> APRC daily to your side, what happened to managing that farce?  Why does
>>> starch-heads like Daffeh come here to start unnecessary shit when they could
>>> not even fund a twenty-bus caravan? No, you do not have any strategy to show
>>> for.  After sixteen years with Yaya UDP cannot articulate a single platform
>>> that make sense aside from saying they are the biggest party, which is a
>>> double-edged sword in itself, for that same majority you claim is almost
>>> homogeneous on tribal basis whether intended or not.  What sort of laziness
>>> is that?  Boy please do not get me started.  I had promised myself to let
>>> the parties do as they wish and not interfere with their campaign, but not
>>> if Daffeh comes here to monkey around when he should not be heard from in
>>> the first place, as disgusted as Gambians are in the way opposition politics
>>> is aligned in the Gambia.  My conscience is clear.  If UDP does not mind to
>>> release the poodle in Daffeh to be a nuisance I do not have a problem to
>>> deal with both Daffeh and the UDP.  Who gives a rat ass how anyone of the
>>> parties is bending over any more?  They keep regurgitating the same shit
>>> over and over again, who has been telling this bunch that Gambians are
>>> listening to anything they have to say any more?  If Gambians think that
>>> Sana Sabally was a lunatic when he had power, try this arrogant shrub.
>>>  Daffeh, you are best served to keep your BS within your group in the UK.
>>>  You bring that shit out here I will also tell you the predictions my
>>> grandfather had for me.  You may think your shit don't stink in the UK, but
>>> make no mistake to try to spread that over here.  Someone has been fooling
>>> you that you are all that and a bag of doritos.  Keep ya shit to yourself!
>>> Joe
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 23:32:45 +0100
>>> From: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> *''Again, the recent forum on Freedom where invitations were made to all
>>> the leaders, again these two individuals were nowhere to be found. There is
>>> a pattern, and people are not stupid to see right through these gimmicks''.
>>> * - Musa JENG
>>> Father Mose, there you go again displaying your disingenuousness
>>> once again. You are aware of the fact that UDP extended a hand of friendship
>>> to pdois and invited them for talks and they were rebuffed. So if pdois
>>> cannot meet UDP at the table to talk out issues, why the hell will Ousainu
>>> share the same panel with halifa on freedom? You must be dreaming. If halifa
>>> wants a squabble, let him come to the table and meet ousainu there. He will
>>> have plenty of it.
>>> Ousainu is not going to negotiate a coalition with anybody in the media.
>>> It has to be behind closed doors, and if STGDP doesn't like that; well you
>>> can go to hell.
>>> As far as we are concern, STGDP is a bunch of incompetents that is not
>>> worth engaging. No wonder no one is taking notice of you. And by the way,
>>> who are you to dictate terms to the UDP or Ousainu? UDP is a sovereign party
>>> and it is not obliged to do things on your terms especially if they are that
>>> disingenuous as they currently are.
>>> Cheers
>>> On 30 April 2011 21:30, Seedou Bajinka <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> UDP and it's supporters there we Gambia no one is going to
>>> challenge the UDP party's idealogy and stand on issues but we can
>>> challenge H/E PRES JAMMEH'S.Oh! well good luck with your dictatorial
>>> approach to people's desire for a more democratic society.May be a 2016 will
>>> be a better time for a coalition......APRC already won this forth coming
>>> election.Come and join the party for progress and stability APRC.
>>> SLB
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 14:27:12 -0500
>>> From: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Kejau, Daffeh bit more than he can chew with his assignment.  His
>>> craziness shows more about the UDP though.  He writes on behalf of the UDP
>>> and they are in support of his stupidity.  Thus, the UDP must be prepared
>>> for a volley in their court and not even the kitchen sink will be spared in
>>> the process.  At some point, one cannot continue to ignore nuisance.  Daffeh
>>> and the UDP can go to friggin HELL and see if folks care.  Nothing, but a
>>> bunch of underachievers.  These people are not interested in change for
>>> Gambia, but for themselves and they do not even hide it.  You have not
>>> gotten power and you act like this, what are you going to do when you get
>>> real power?  The sorry part is they act like lambs and can't do jack as Yaya
>>> plucks them at will to show Gambians that these bunch are not a threat to
>>> his abuse.  Folks know my views regarding the opposition in the Gambia as a
>>> whole.  If the UDP would not mind setting Daffeh on Gambians, then I am one
>>> Gambian that will meet this pretender on all fours and can do elbows if it
>>> got to that.  Enough of this nonsense!  If Daffeh and UDP want to draw folks
>>> into a brawl, then all will be game.  So, let Daffeh continue with his
>>> silliness.
>>> Joe
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2011 16:59:46 +0100
>>> From: [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>> Sad, really sad. Daffeh calling everyone inadequate when you question
>>> UDP's stance. Much like fankung.
>>> Sent from Kejau's iPhone
>>> On 30 Apr 2011, at 10:53, UDP United Kingdom <[log in to unmask]>
>>> wrote:
>>>   Like I said before, coalitions are not negotiated in the media but
>>> behind closed doors. There is a reason why the GMC came out with a statement
>>> of intent and one of it is because they have been engaged by the udp. OJ too
>>> will not certainly say he was not engaged by the udp nor will Hamat. These
>>> are the people/parties who willingly met us at the table. PDOIS on the other
>>> hand, crudely refused to do so and therefore, no proposal either verbal or
>>> written will be extended to them unless they agreed to meet the UDP at the
>>> table.
>>> I am not going to respond to Demba Baldeh as he is a clueless attention
>>> seeker.
>>> Pa samba, I have realised the need for a coalition with or without pdois
>>> since day one. When I first joined STGDP conference calls, this is the first
>>> thing I said.  Musa Jeng very reluctantly gave a qualified support to
>>> the idea while that naive Banka manneh and the hysteric Joe sambou were like
>>> what?
>>>  I repeat once again, the udp will not put any proposal in the media to
>>> feed anybody's obsession. Our proposal will only be presented to parties who
>>> agree to meet us at the table, period. This is how coalitions are negotiated
>>> and it is the route we followed with the other parties i.e. PPP, GMC and
>>> NRP. I wonder why pdois should be given a different treatment.
>>> UDP is very much aware of the fact that the other opposition parties and
>>> leaders are not baskets that we can put on our head and carry along. They
>>> have to be willing to come alone with us and if they choose not to, well
>>> there is nothing we can do about that.
>>> I am not aware of any concession demand from OJ’s P.P.P that is not met
>>> by the UDP neither did I hear any declaration of intent by PDOIS, to be part
>>> of a UDP led alliance with conditions attached.
>>> PDOIS is much about their Ayatollah’s Agenda 1444 and the gratification
>>> of his persona than anything else.
>>> Kind Regards
>>> Daffeh
>>> On 30 April 2011 10:17, Lamin Darbo < <[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>   Musa
>>> It is unbecoming of you to allege that Daffeh is in the "payroll of
>>> Jammeh". I am worried because I heard a similar sentiment on Freedom Radio
>>> by one Alhajie, one of Mr Mbai's regular pundits on Gambian affairs. He
>>> claimed, no swore, that Ousainou Darboe is in the pay of the Professor
>>> Daffeh may hold views opposite to yours, but calling him "clueless" is
>>> not persuasive at all, and alleging he works for the Professor exposes you
>>> more than him.
>>> You have a record to protect, and I suggest you do so objectively. You
>>> should not see yourself as under any compulsion to respond to Daffeh.
>>> LJDarbo
>>> --- On *Sat, 30/4/11, <[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] <<[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>* wrote:
>>> From: <[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask] <<[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>
>>> Subject: Re: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
>>> Date: Saturday, 30 April, 2011, 1:17
>>> Oh Lord! there he goes again, the Man really needs help. These are the
>>> kind of rhetoric and people who are the very stubmling bloc to bring an end
>>> to tyranny; it is not farfetched to entertain that people like him are in
>>> the payroll of Jammeh, or they are just clueless.
>>> Thanks
>>> Musa Jeng
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "UDP United Kingdom" < <[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>
>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
>>> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 5:59:42 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>>> It is high time that we acknowledge that fact that due to Halifa Sallah's
>>> arrogance and intransigence, a coalition of all opposition parties to
>>> confront Jammeh in 2011 is not possible to achieve. The focus should
>>> therefore shift to building a coalition of the willing instead.
>>> The irrational opposition bashing that has become the hallmark of forum
>>> discussions is only playing in the hands of jammeh and giving him a
>>> political boost that he doesn't deserve.
>>> Thanks
>>> Daffeh
>>> On 29 April 2011 22:47, UDP United Kingdom <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>  *Kejaw, here is what I don't get, why does a coalition have to have
>>> PDOIS and UDP before it matters? Why couldn't the UDP bring everybody else
>>> on board, get on the road campaign seriously with PPP, NRP,and GMC and show
>>> the world they have everybody else but PDOIS and see how much pressure will
>>> be on PDOIS. Why wait for a skeptical partner to start working with
>>> everybody else.
>>> Why does UDP think everybody else will rally around them when Amat and
>>> GMC are going about doing their own thing? Forget about PDOIS after all
>>> people don't many think they only control 3% of the electorate!!! What is
>>> the hold up????* - Demba
>>> This is exactly what we intend to do. None of the other parties were
>>> dismissive of us in our discussions with them and I hope they will come
>>> along with us down this route. PEOPLE should be inclined to support a
>>> coalition with or without PDOIS and move on with the progressive agenda of
>>> nation building. This what the UDP UK has always advocated for but much to
>>> the annoyance of some particularly in the STGDP camp. So clearly, this is
>>> demba baldeh preaching to the choir.
>>> thanks
>>> Daffeh
>>>   On 29 April 2011 22:17, <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Demba
>>> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *UDP United Kingdom <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>
>>>  *Sender: *<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> *Date: *Fri, 29 Apr 2011 19:20:44 +0100
>>>  *To: *<<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>
>>> *ReplyTo: *<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> *Subject: *Re: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections
>>> leaked!!!
>>> 'UDP should have supported the opposition candidate and ask for for the
>>> coalition leadership in return. But another missed opportunity gone. I hope
>>> the opposition leadership learn the bitter lesson of defeat.' kejau
>>> I agree and there was inclination to do exactly that. However,  you will
>>> agree with me that such a move must have to be worked out and coordinated
>>> with PDOIS/NADD fiirst. Unfortunately, they have persistently refused to
>>> talk to the UDP despite been chased on almost all lines of communications.
>>> So how can the UDP make concessions to people who keep telling us we don't
>>> wanna hear you; go talk to the electorates. Well, we will talk to the
>>> electorates and but it will be about selling our manifesto to them.
>>> Kejau, you have deliberately chosen to ignore the facts. You are merely
>>> engaged in essay writing. You better ask Musa Jeng; he was aware of the
>>> efforts UDP had made to extend a concession to PDOIS as was stated by [not
>>> in detail] Karamba Touray in STGDP organised conference call. Even today, if
>>> pdois accept udp's offer of talks, they will be engaged and concessions
>>> given. That is for sure. I say it because I know it. People should stop
>>> making sweeping statements and try to dig into the facts start. UDP's offer
>>> of talks is still on the table and it is up to PDOIS to accept it. We cannot
>>> force them to do so.
>>> I am aware that the expectation of certain people here is for UDP to
>>> throw out something in the media to feed the academic obsession of a certain
>>> few who will in turn engender an irrational squabble over it. Well, that is
>>> not going to happen. Coalitions are not negotiated in the media but behind
>>> close doors- I have sure you you do remember  UK's coalition negotiations.
>>> It was done in the Cabinet office and behind close doors. It was only after
>>> a final settlement was reached that a joint statement was put out in the
>>> media- and that is the convention the UDP will follow. However, if there is
>>> to be any coalition negotiation involving Pdois and UDP, our party will be
>>> more that happy to put out a statement at the end of that process regardless
>>> of its outcome, whether positive or negative.
>>> In my view, there was no miss opportunity in the Wuli east
>>> bye-election. It is just a question of a well determined PDOIS to perpetuate
>>> a fait accompli.
>>> Thanks
>>> Daffeh
>>> On 29 April 2011 15:52,
>>> <[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask] <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>  It's got to be the voter turnout. Without the coalition the voters will
>>> boycott again. So get your acts together and form a coalition otherwise it
>>> will be another apathy. Merely talking to the other parties  may not be
>>> enough, instead make concessions and give assurances.  UDP should have
>>> supported the opposition candidate and ask for for the coalition leadership
>>> in return. But another missed opportunity gone. I hope the opposition
>>> leadership learn the bitter lesson of defeat.
>>> Sent from Kejau's iPhone
>>> On 29 Apr 2011, at 15:34, Sanusi Owens <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>     Suntou
>>> I have to commend you for your honest appraisal of the situation. Defeat
>>> at Wuli was a defeat for all stakeholders within the Opposition. We
>>> therefore need to sit down and study the situation as to how we can avoid a
>>> much awaited embarassment on 24 November 2011.
>>> The figures shown last night is warning call for all us to think again
>>> and explore to the maximum the prospects of having a United Opposition
>>> against APRC.
>>> Good weekend
>>> Sanusi
>>> --- On *Fri, 29/4/11, suntou touray <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>* wrote:
>>> From: suntou touray <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>
>>> Subject: [>-<] Re: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>>> To:
>>> <[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask],
>>> <[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]><[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> Date: Friday, 29 April, 2011, 15:14
>>>  This is a disappointing news for our area people. Wulli East area has
>>> always gone for the incumbent party, since the times of Sainey Singhateh,
>>> Malang Saho etc. Wulli West is the more determine and militant region of the
>>> two. Suwaibou is well known in that area, I wonder what he should do to
>>> penetrate the elders and their local structures. I am sad for him, because
>>> he would have been a good MP.
>>> I wonder whether his campaign team made use of the more active militants
>>> in Nyaikoi area. The signs were there that, going for the incumbent is a
>>> harden mole in Wulli East, I thought the Agenda 2011 would have dislodged
>>> such mindsets. Seriously, I was expecting a narrow marginal win for
>>> Suwaibou, but hey next time. I wish him all the best for the upcoming
>>> general elections.
>>> Suntou
>>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 11:13 PM, M. Gassama <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]><[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> The results have just been announced on GRTS confirming Gainako's
>>> figures. Have a good evening.
>>> Buharry.
>>> ----Original Message----
>>> From: <[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]><[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]
>>> Date: 2011-04-28 23:52
>>> To: <<[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]><[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">http:[log in to unmask]>
>>> [log in to unmask]>
>>> Subj: Unofficial results of the Bye-elections leaked!!!
>>> Unofficial results of the bye-elections in Wuli East has been
>>> leaked!
>>> Results at: <><>
>>> Thanks
>>> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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