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Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 12 Feb 2004 09:05:52 EST
text/plain (107 lines)
Badou Jobe,

Thank you for this very important information. A convicted child molester 
socializing with the president of our country and his wife, and  being brought 
into our country by Oko Drammeh who told us (as quoted below) that one of his 
missions as cultural ambassador was to end some of the filthy habits of tourism?
This is a matter of grave national concern but this association is not 
surprising because Gambians are now well aware of the less than honourable character 
of this regime. 

Jabou Joh

In a message dated 2/12/04 5:54:31 AM Central Standard Time, 
[log in to unmask] writes:
> The many ardent admirers and fans of The Gambia's newly appointed Cultural
> Ambassador will be thrilled to see the content of the following link:
> The featured pictures provide a true and rare document of the new
> ambassador's contribution to Gambian culture, in the same time offering a
> sneak preview of his agenda how to boost Cultural tourism in the country, as
> promised in his postings to the Gambia-Post/Gambia-L.
> "De Buddy's" are a Dutch boys choir who - through mr. Oko Drammeh's
> excellent connections and good offices - got invited to highlight the 22nd
> of July celebrations last year.
> De Buddy's are led by mr. Drammeh’s associate Ton Buitinga, a hard-core
> child pornographer who got arrested after the Gambian tour, but should be
> back on the job before the summer, as the boys crew are scheduled to visit
> The Gambia again.
> Noteworthy are the pics featuring:
> [PICTURE] The president of Gambia, Yahya Jammeh, meets son of Oko, Matarr
> [PICTURE] Oko drammeh addresses the presidential celebrations, on july 22nd 
> 2003
> [PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba Jobe with Oko and the 
> buddy's
> [PICTURE] The national assembly leader Hon. Baba Jobe with Oko and the 
> buddy's
> [PICTURE] Ton buitinga, musical conductor of the buddy's, and Oko
> [PICTURE] The president of the Gambia welcomes Oko
> [PICTURE] The president of the Gambia honours Oko in Banjul
> [PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the Gambia and his wife, Mr. and
> Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
> [PICTURE] De Buddy's with the president of the Gambia and his wife, Mr. and
> Mrs. Yahya Jammeh
> [PICTURE] De Buddy's and the NAPSA students of the Gambia (the national
> patriotic students' association - formed 10 august 2001)
> Meanwhile the world is awaiting mr. Drammeh’s next extravaganza: Stokeley
> Carmichael’s widow  performing in Kanilai, the bespoke venue for the IRF.
> Badou Jobe
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> [e-mail  posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering]
>     * Subject: Re: [>-<] FWD: Oko Drammeh is IRF New Cultural Ambassador
>     * From: Oko Drammeh <okob@xxxx
>     * Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 16:17:59 +0100
> (...)
> Â Thank you for your word up!. I want to bring festivals and music business
> executives to the Gambia and to make the world to visits the Gambia always
> for extravaganga and cultural Events.
> I want to change some of the filty habits of tourism.
> I want to share my skills to the Gambian youths and talents. I want to bring
> back live music and festivals in the Gambia and to controll the flow of
> cultural domination by anyone. I will have regular Seneambian shows in Dakar
> in the stadiums and at Sorano and in Banjul.
> I have an agenda and friends in the business and a team.
> (...)
> I am introducing Cultural tourism  I am doing this because Gambia can't
> find her way in the music and art world and each year it is getting worst.
> So I decided to go and live in the Gambia for few years to get my hand on
> tthe nitty gritty.
> I will not be involvrd in politics, I know poly tricks, I am only doing a
> job for the people. Politicians come and go but The atrists is eternal so I
> know .
> Thank you, I will give support to our youth and they all make money and
> improve their art and their lives.
> your brother
> Oko Drammeh

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