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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Jul 2004 08:42:57 -0500
text/plain (83 lines)

Wow! Isn't our Lord wonderful! He teaches us things all the time.

I pray that you haven't lost a friend. I know how badly that hurts, and
there's nothing wrong with crying.

I know you love people, and it's always those of us Christians who love
people so very much that really get our hearts broken.

Vernon always tells me I get too close to people, but I guess that's the
price we pay for loving people, but no matter what, I'm not going to stop
loving others. Phil, please don't let that experience stop you from loving
people, because you are definitely loving! <squeeze>

Why is it that when we get really hurt and upset about things, it does
affect us physically.

I have some things to share with you all, but it will be in another
message. You will all be shocked, because I was.

I'm praying for you, Phil.

Many lovings and squeezings for you, Phil.

Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson
At 04:49 PM 6/30/04, you wrote:
>I think I've told this story before but at my age, you are allowed to
>repeat.  Bob Mumford, who, in my opinion, is probably one of the most
>practical Bible teachers I have ever heard, told this true story.  He said,
>when he was thirteen years old, he was walking home from school when he
>found a duck.  The bird was covered with oil and axle Greece so couldn't
>fly.  He picked him up and carried him home and place him in the bathtub.
>He had to fill the tub several times as he washed and scrubbed and soaped
>the duck but eventually, the duck was as clean as a whistle.  Bob was so
>proud of his involvement with the life of an animal the Lord had made so the
>very first thing the duck did in appreciation was bit him.  I don't know if
>you know this or not but ducks can freaking bite hard.  Bob told this story
>and then said this was a picture of the ministry.  He prayed and prayed and
>begged God to use him in the ministry and once he was in the ministry and
>got used by people, then he realized what life was all about.  Sometimes,
>those in ministry work, can help people all the way and even make loads of
>progress but we shouldn't be surprised when we get duck bit.  This happened
>to me today and I was totally unprepared.  I should have known better
>because this is the second time it has happened in recent months but I can't
>help myself because I love people.  It is who I am.  I get bitten once and
>awhile and what do I do?  Go back for more.  This time, however, it hurt
>pretty bad so naturally I am going to be a lot more careful.  Did I say this
>the other day?  I don't recall posting this to echurch but if I did, forgive
>me for the repeat.  I was praying on my swing out on the deck a few nights
>ago.  I pray much differently than the average Christian because I mostly
>think my prayers.  That is, I don't pray out loud.  The Lord taught me this
>method of prayer many years ago and I have learned more from the Holy Spirit
>this way than any other way of praying.  When I do spiritual warfare for
>people, I pray in tongues.  Forgive me for those of you who don't believe in
>the gift of tongues but it is what I do anyway when conducting spiritual
>warfare in the behalf of others.  Some of you on this list are some of those
>for whom I pray so you'll have to take it as it comes because I'm not
>changing now.  Anyhow, I have learned to pray by thought alone and as I was
>doing this the other night, hardly aware I was doing it at all, I suddenly
>heard the Holy Spirit speaking very clearly.  "You are never demonically
>attacked without my preier knowledge."  Wow!  I thought.  I always knew this
>theologically, at least I thought I did, but now I heard my own human
>recreated spirit saying amen to what I had just been told and I knew I
>believed it was the truth.  Then I heard, "And nothing will ever happen to
>you that I am not aware of first."  thank God!  I knew this, too,
>theologically and Scripturally but when you hear God say it in your spirit,
>it is like engraved in stone and can never be erased.  Of course, I knew
>this also meant something was about likely to happen.  Sure enough, two
>things immediately occurred within a day or to and I was so thankful I can
>thank God He already knew about it.  Yes, I cried.  I even suffered physical
>pain and yet I could thank God He already knew about it.  I very likely have
>lost a friend in the process, too.  Maybe this isn't all that earth shaking
>to you but after walking with the Lord for 47 years and learning eternal
>things that make my relationship with the Lord more intimate is worth
>testifying about.
>I Flew Kites With Jesus