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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 4 Jul 2010 21:00:56 -0600
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Glad things went so well.  Sounds like a great outreach too.  Thanks for telling us all about it.

Vicki & Yellow Lab Guide Dog Elway
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jackie Shepherd 
  To: [log in to unmask] 
  Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 4:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [ECHURCH-USA] Requesting your prayers

  Hi All,

  Many thanks for your prayers, and yes, all did go well.  We had well 
  over 100 in attendance, not so many for the church service, as 
  afterwards when we passed out hot dogs, chips, and gospel tracts; and 
  some of them came in and got acquainted with church members.  Others 
  saw our announcements in the paper and came by.

  I was particularly worried about the song I was to sing, as I was 
  told before the service that Keith intended to do the song, though it 
  was brought up weeks before and it was agreed that I would do 
  it.  Then, it was suggested that we both do it together, and that he 
  harmonize.  He said that he might not do the correct harmony that was 
  in the book, and I said that was ok, I wouldn't have either.  But we 
  had no time before service to practice.  It ended up that he sang 
  some of the melody with me and some harmony.

  Our Pastor spoke about our nation, asking if we were indeed a 
  Christian nation; and then showing us two clips where President 
  O'boma said that we werent.  He then cited many examples from 
  ex-Presidents to the contrary, from President Jefferson to President 
  Truman.  He further stated, however, that many of our children and 
  grandchildren weren't taught about Christ and the Bible; and that 
  this was weakening our society as a whole.  This is all the more 
  reason why outreach to our communities is so important.

  It all turned out to be a very nice day, not only for outreach in 
  conjunction with the Spanish church, for our community; but also I 
  think all enjoyed themselves; and who knows, some might read the 
  gospel tracts and come to know the Lord and we may get a few new 
  church members, as a result.

  I'm glad to hear your piano organ duet went well, Julie.  I wish I 
  could have been there to hear it.  That is something I would like to 
  do, is be on the worship team of our church, or at least be more 
  involved with the music end of it.

  Once again, thank you all for your prayers, and I hope you are having 
  as wonderful a Fourth Of July as I am having today.

  God bless you all.


  At 01:08 PM 2010-07-04, you wrote:
  >I just got this message and  pray the service and your singing went 
  >well. I hope many people found freedom in Christ.
  >our pastor talked about freedom in  Christ in that we are under 
  >grace, not under the law. The worship team, of which I am a part, 
  >did a patriotic special. I also played a piano and organ duet with 
  >our pianist, Becky. All went well.
  >From: "Jackie Shepherd" <[log in to unmask]>
  >Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 11:08 PM
  >To: <[log in to unmask]>
  >Subject: Requesting your prayers
  >>Hi Friends,
  >>I just wanted to ask if you would be with me in prayer tomorrow as 
  >>I sing "The Statue Of Liberty," at our church service.  I 
  >>particularly worry about this song as I am 61, and find it harder 
  >>to reach those high notes.
  >>As it will be the Fourth Of July tomorrow, we are having a special 
  >>celebration at church entitled "The Freedom To Worship," and are 
  >>using this as an outreach opportunity for our 
  >>community.  Therefore, your prayers would be appreciated for this 
  >>event as well.
  >>Thank you.  It is wonderful to be able to come to Christian friends 
  >>in fellowship and prayer.
  >>God's blessings to all.  Have a safe and Godly day.