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Bill Kane <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 00:21:39 -0800
text/plain (115 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


  Since it's been a day or two since I recieved the last post of
suggestions for my upcoming field trip, I thought that I'd summarize for
the whole group:

I can relate, I had to do the same thing last week.  I took a corn
pasta salad.  Cooked corn pasta, black olives, a bunch of lightly
cooked vegetables,  garlic, pepper, olive oil, vinegar.  I often pack
a lunch for the day and things I like include:  yogurt, rice cakes
and cream cheese (in a separate container--they get soggy if you
spread them in the morning), boiled eggs, rice and salsa and sour
cream (I know that's kind of a weird one), chips, fresh fruit of

How about a themos of soup with a bag of fresh veggie sticks.  My favorite
sandwich is almond butter with banana on toasted GF bread it taste great
after being in the brown bag for a few hours.
Oh yeas and some cookies!!!

The possibilities are endless.
Fruit and vegetables for sure.
Some g-f sandwiches, crackers, cookies.

apples, cheese,
bread with a small container of GF mayo, roast beef, the GF wasa bread or
other crackers. Soda...the possibilities are endless and only limited by
your imagination. Fruit and cheese always makes a good lunch/snack

For example, make a salad and bring
that.  If you have gluten-free bread, make a sandwich, bring a piece of
fruit or a bag of chips, and a drink.

If you're close to a Wendy's the chili and baked potato are GF.  A bag
of slaw and margetti cole slaw dressing makes a emergency quick lunch.

pack hard boiled eggs, tuna
sandwiches (on GF bread, of course!), drinks in boxes or a thermos, GF
chips (corn chips), fruits . . . Don't forget to take plastic utensils
if you pack some salad!

Whenever I go on day trips, I always take some of my muffins.  This is a
recipe changed a little from Bette Hagman's recipe.

1/2 cup sugar
4 T shortening
3 eggs
2 cups gluten free mix (2 cups rice flour, 2/3 cup potato starch, 1/3
tapioca starch)
sprinkle of salt
4 tsp baking powder
1 cup milk

Cream sugar and shortening with mixer.  Beat in eggs.  Sift flour, salt,
baking powder and add to sugar and shortening mixture with added milk.  Add 1
cup blueberries or 1 cup diced apples if desired.  Spoon into muffin tin and
sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.  Bake at 350 deg for 20 minutes or until brown.

These keep very well and don't need to be microwaved before eating.  I keep
them in the freezer and take out as needed.

If you have your own bread, make a sandwich with Louis Rich Carving Board
cheese (brick style)
Dannon Yogurt
vegetables such as: carrot or celery sticks, green peppers, cauliflower
any kind of fresh fruit

    rice cakes
    dried fruit
    dry roasted almonds or cashews
    Healthy Valley Tropical Fruit Rice bars
    apples and bananas

They sell "pop-top" cans of tuna or salmon (you just pop them open like
cokes). These  don't need refrigeration until opened.  Open when you are
ready to eat.  You can eat right out of the can.

Salmon or tuna
chopped Raw carrots, red peppers (any raw veggies in a baggie)
Rice Cakes
Chunk cheese - GF
Potato Chips - GF
Oranges, Bananna, apples etc. etc.
raisen packs for a snack
Water bottle

Have you tried the Fantastic soups which come in a serving cup and you add
hot water.  There is also a canned turkey meat which comes in a larger than a
tuna size can that is GF and could go with any salad that you can buy.  I
ususally prepare chicken and rice the night before a trip.  I bring cold
chicken in an insulated case.  The rice can be cold as well.  You can add
raisins or apricots or chopped veggies to make a salad or you can do rice and
beans which are fine cold.

 muffins, fruit, nuts and seeds(mix all
together with dried fruit for a trail mix), juice boxes or water bottle,
gluten free cookies or brownies or cupcakes, if you have a bread you use
you can make any sandwich you like and add chips onthe side plus fruit
and a dessert if you like.  Cold chicken or tuna if you use an ice

Thanks to EVERYONE who wrote me.  Many ideas I did not even think of.

Bill Kane
Normal, Illinois USA