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Richard Hudson <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 22:14:48 EDT
text/plain (298 lines)
In a message dated 09/07/1999 7:36:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, NAOTD writes:

<<                           Access To Public Rights of Way



 Disability access advocates nationwide should be alerted to the formation by
 the Access Board of a very important Advisory Committee on Public Rights of
 Way (that is, sidewalks, street crossings, curb ramps, etc.).  The Advisory
 Committee will develop comprehensive recommendations for the Board in this
 crucial area, and its recommendations are an important part of the process
 developing access standards.  This Advisory Committee is a significant
 opportunity to provide input into the development of federal accessibility

 Below is the formal notice from the Access Board providing all the details.
Please share the notice with others who you feel should see it.


 On August 12, 1999, the Access Board published a notice on its plan
 to organize an advisory committee on access to public rights-of-way
 for people with disabilities.  The committee will develop
 recommendations that the Board will use in issuing new guidelines
 under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Architectural
 Barriers Act (ABA).  The notice, which was published in the Federal
 Register, requests nominations for people to serve on the committee.

  The Access Board develops and maintains accessibility guidelines for
  the built environment under the ADA and the ABA.  The Board's
  guidelines cover a wide range of facilities but do not specifically
  address public rights-of-way.  The Board previously proposed
  guidelines in this area during rulemaking for state and local
  government facilities.  Based on the public comment in response to
  that rulemaking, the Board determined that it should coordinate with
  the transportation industry and undertake an outreach and training
  program before proceeding with guidelines.  Under this program, the
  Board has developed a series of videos, an accessibility checklist, a
  report on pedestrian signals, and a design guide on accessible public

  In creating the new advisory committee, the Board is resuming its
  effort to develop public rights-of-way guidelines.  It has become
  standard practice for the Board to establish advisory committees to
  help develop or update its guidelines.  Such committees allow
  interested groups, including those representing designers, industry,
  and people with disabilities, to play a substantive role in the
  Board's development of guidelines which are then proposed for public
  comment.  The new advisory committee will allow input from key
  constituencies in advance of a new set of proposed guidelines.  The
  Public Rights-of-Way Access Advisory Committee will make
  recommendations on access to sidewalks, street crossings, and other
  related pedestrian facilities and will address various issues and
  design constraints specific to public rights-of-way.

  The Board seeks applications for representatives from groups and
  professions with an interest in the subject, including disability
  organizations, public works departments, transportation and traffic
  engineering groups, design professionals and civil engineers,
  pedestrian and bicycle organizations, Federal agencies, and
  standard-setting bodies.  Applications are to be submitted to the
  Board by September 27, 1999, and should include the representative's
  statement of the interests represented, and a description of
  qualifications.  The Committee will be expected to present a report
  with its recommendations to the Board within one year of its first
  meeting, which is tentatively scheduled for early November 1999.

 For further information, contact the Board at (800) 872-2253 (voice)
 or (800) 993-2822 (TTY).


 Text of published notice follows:


 AGENCY: Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board.

 ACTION: Notice of intent to establish advisory committee.

 SUMMARY: The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance
 Board Access Board) announces its intent to establish a Public
 Rights-of-Way Access Advisory Committee (Committee) to make
 recommendations for accessibility guidelines for public rights-of-way
 covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the
 Architectural Barriers Act of 1968. The Access Board requests
 applications for representatives to serve on the Committee.

 DATES: Applications should be received by September 27, 1999.

 ADDRESSES: Applications should be sent to the Office of Technical and
 Information Services, Architectural and Transportation Barriers
 Compliance Board, 1331 F Street, NW., suite 1000, Washington, DC
 20004-1111. Fax number (202) 272-5447. Applications may also be sent
 via electronic mail to the Access Board at the following address:
 [log in to unmask]

 Office of Technical and Information Services, Architectural and
 Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 1331 F Street, NW., suite
 1000, Washington, DC 20004-1111. Telephone number (202) 272-5434
 extension 25 (Voice); (202) 272-5449 (TTY).


 Availability of Copies and Electronic Access

     Single copies of this publication may be obtained at no cost by
 calling the Access Board's automated publications order line (202)
 272-5434, by pressing 1 on the telephone keypad, then 1 again, and
 requesting publication N-03 (Public Rights-of-Way Access Advisory
 Committee notice). Persons using a TTY should call (202) 272-5449.
 Please record a name, address, telephone number and request
 publication N-03. This document is available in alternate formats upon
 request. Persons who want a copy in an alternate format should specify
 the type of format (cassette tape, Braille, large print, or computer
 disk). This document is also available on the Board's Internet site


     The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board
 (Access Board) is responsible for developing accessibility guidelines
 under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (42 U.S.C.
 12101 et seq.) to ensure that facilities and vehicles covered by the
 law are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with
 disabilities.\1\ The Department of Justice is responsible for issuing
 final regulations, consistent with the guidelines issued by the Access
 Board, to implement titles II and III (except for transportation
 vehicles and facilities). The Department of Transportation is
 responsible for issuing regulations to implement the transportation
 provisions of titles II and III of the ADA. Those regulations must
 also be consistent with the Access Board's guidelines.
     The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA) (42 U.S.C. 4151 et
 seq.) requires that facilities designed, built, altered or leased with
 certain Federal funds be accessible to persons with disabilities.
 Similar to its responsibility under the ADA, the Access Board is
 responsible for developing accessibility guidelines for facilities
 covered by the ABA. The Board's guidelines serve as the basis for
 enforceable standards issued by four standard-setting agencies; the
 standard-setting agencies are the Department of Defense (DOD), the
 General Services Administration (GSA), the Department of Housing and
 Urban Development (HUD), and the U.S. Postal Service (USPS).\2\

 Rulemaking History

     On July 26, 1991, the Access Board published the Americans with
 Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) for new construction
 and alterations in places of public accommodation and commercial
 facilities. 36 CFR part 1191. ADAAG contains scoping provisions and
 technical specifications generally applicable to buildings and
 facilities (sections 1 through 4) and additional requirements
 specifically applicable to certain types of buildings and facilities
 covered by title III of the ADA: restaurants and cafeterias (section
 5); medical care facilities (section 6); mercantile and business
 facilities (section 7); libraries (section 8); and transient lodging
 (section 9). On September 6, 1991, the Access Board amended ADAAG to
 include additional requirements specifically applicable to
 transportation facilities (section 10).
     On December 21, 1992, the Access Board published a notice of
 proposed rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register which proposed to
 add four special application sections to ADAAG specifically applicable
 to certain types of State and local government buildings and
 facilities covered by title II of the ADA. Those special application
 sections included:
     11. Judicial, Legislative, and Regulatory Facilities.
     12. Detention and Correctional Facilities.
     13. Accessible Residential Housing.
     14. Public Rights-of-Way.
     The NPRM also proposed requirements and asked questions regarding
 the addition of miscellaneous provisions specifically applicable to
 State and local government facilities. 57 FR 60612 (December 21,
 1992).    On June 20, 1994, the Board published an interim rule in
 the Federal Register which added sections 11 through 14 and
 miscellaneous provisions to ADAAG. 59 FR 31676 (June 20, 1994) as
 corrected at 59 FR 32751 (June 24, 1994). The interim rule sought
 comment on sections 11 through 14 and the miscellaneous provisions.
     On January 13, 1998, the Board published final rules for State and
 local governments but decided to reserve section 14, due in large
 measure to the concerns of the transportation community expressed in
 comments to the Board on the proposed and interim final rules. 63 FR
 2000. Many of those commenters, including public works agencies,
 transportation departments, and traffic consultants, were concerned
 that the section 14 provisions would be applied to existing developed
     The response to both the NPRM and the interim rule clearly
 indicated the need for substantial education and outreach regarding
 the application of guidelines in this area. Rather than finalizing the
 guidelines for public rights-of-way, the Board embarked upon an
 ambitious outreach plan to the highway industry. This outreach
 included producing a series of videotapes, an accessibility checklist,
 a synthesis on accessible pedestrian signals, and a design guide on
 accessible public rights-of-way. In addition, the Board has been
 actively involved with transportation industry organizations and has
 worked closely with the Federal Highway Administration on access
     The Access Board has reviewed its education and outreach program
 and the impact of State and local government regulatory efforts in
 this area, and believes that the development of requirements for
 accessibility in the public right-of-way is appropriate at this time.
 At its May 1999 meeting, the Access Board voted to reinitiate
 rulemaking on accessible pedestrian facilities by convening a Federal
 advisory committee to develop recommendations for guidelines for
 public rights-of-way covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act
 and the Architectural Barriers Act.

 Public Rights-of-Way Access Advisory Committee

     The Access Board intends to establish a Public Rights-of-Way
 Access Advisory Committee (Committee) to assist the Board in the
 process of developing its accessibility guidelines. The Committee
 will make recommendations to the Access Board on the content and
 format of the guidelines, including scoping and technical provisions
 to address access to sidewalks, street crossings, and related
 pedestrian facilities. The Committee will be expected to present a
 report with its recommendations to the Access Board within one year
 of the Committee's first meeting. The Access Board requests
 applications for representatives of the following interests for
 membership on the Committee:
    - Federal agencies;
    - Design professional organizations;
    - Transportation and traffic engineering institutes,
      departments, and organizations;
    - State and local government public works and transportation
    - Pedestrian and bicycle organizations;
    - Standard setting organizations;
    - Organizations representing the access needs of individuals
      with disabilities; and
    - Other persons affected by the accessibility guidelines.

     The number of Committee members will be limited to effectively
 accomplish the Committee's work and will be balanced in terms of
 interests represented. Organizations with similar interests are
 encouraged to submit a single application to represent their interest.
 Although the Committee will be limited in size, there will be
 opportunities for the public to present written information to the
 Committee, to participate through subcommittees, and to comment at
 Committee meetings.
     Applications should be sent to the Access Board at the address
 listed at the beginning of this notice. The application should include
 the representative's name (and an alternate), title, address and
 telephone number; a statement of the interests represented; and a
 description of the representative's qualifications, including
 engineering, technical and design expertise and knowledge of making
 public rights-of-way accessible to individuals with disabilities.
     Committee members will not be compensated for their service. The
 Access Board may, at its own discretion, pay travel expenses for a
 limited number of persons who would otherwise be unable to participate
 on the Committee. Committee members will serve as representatives of
 their organizations, not as individuals. They will not be considered
 special government employees and will not be required to file
 confidential financial disclosure reports.
     After the applications have been reviewed, the Access Board will
 publish a notice in the Federal Register announcing the appointment of
 Committee members and the first meeting of the Committee. The first
 meeting of the Committee is tentatively scheduled for November 8-9,
 1999 in Washington, DC. The Committee will operate in accordance with
 the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. app 2. Each meeting will
 be open to the public. A notice of each meeting will be published in
 the Federal Register at least 15 days in advance of the meeting.
 Records will be kept of each meeting and made available for public

 Lawrence W. Roffee,
 Executive Director.

     \1\ The Access Board is an independent Federal agency
 established by section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 792)
 whose primary mission is to promote accessibility for individuals with
 disabilities. The Access Board consists of 25 members. Thirteen are
 appointed by the President from among the public, a majority of who
 are required to be individuals with disabilities. The other twelve are
 heads of the following Federal agencies or their designees whose
 positions are Executive Level IV or above: The departments of Health
 and Human Services, Education, Transportation, Housing and Urban
 Development, Labor, Interior, Defense, Justice, Veterans Affairs, and
 Commerce; the General Services Administration; and the United States
 Postal Service.

     \2\ The Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) were
 developed by the four standard-setting agencies to implement the
 Architectural Barriers Act of 1968. Most Federal agencies also
 reference UFAS as the accessibility standard for buildings and
 facilities constructed or altered by recipients of Federal financial
 assistance for purposes of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
 1973, as amended.

 JFA >>