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Stefan Joest <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 9 Jul 1997 11:15:05 +0000
text/plain (118 lines)
>I just had a very quick look at it. Rather complicated! (a lot of
>boxes, arrows...)

Looks complicated and isn't complicated at all once you have practised
it awhile. Try it! Get some small wooden figure and move it from box
to box - this is the recommendation of Mr. Burger. Just like playing a
Can you scan this in and post it? This would involve a translation.
Although I'm a computer expert I haven't found a way to post it without
lots of work.

>if I follow my denatured instinct with selected fruits, I invariably
>end up eating a fruit-only meal).

Not a problem in my oppinion if you balance this with a vegetable meal
in the evening.

>Sorry, maybe I should start studying biology (more useful to discuss
>things around nutrition and health).

I was joking. I enjoy your way of viewing the issues. :-)
And you seem to be one of the few persons who are not permanently com-
plaining about their job - in fact you seem to haven chosen an adequate
profession that satisfies you. Great!

>Sorry to talk too much about an off-topic subject, but you seem to have
>ultra-rightist views. Believe me, market rules won't solve any
>problems. If unions of workers hadn't fought hard to defend their
>rights, we would still be working 60 hours/week, with poor conditions,

I would consider me more an ultra-conservative person. Since rightists
mostly are very conservative I seem to be a rightist also? Hm.

I seriously doubt, that there was a benefit from unions of workers.
I know which power an employee has, if he is   w i l l i n g   to
use it. It can be a very strong position. Or a very weak one, if you
are allowing your employer to decide. It depends.

>The functioning
>of your brain follows quite accurately the lines of manicheism.

Oops, what is manicheism? I guess you mean manchester-capitalism?
Well, I can already feel the tomatoes dripping from my face, but this
I subscribe frankly. Once I read a book about the history of the
manchester-capitalism. It looked good. On one hand there was something
one would call "exploitation of workers". But on the other hand there
were lots of workers (women especially) who   c o u l d   work and
earn their own money. Maybe this book was describing it all too po-
sitive and left off the disgusting parts of the history but so far I
can't see so much bad in this sort of capitalism.

Your "their" looks funny. :-)

>work at Orkos, and are happy with that. But the article in L'Express
>clearly shows that a few were frustrated, and became angry towards Burger,
>after having worked at Orkos for a while.

Well, then it would have been high time for them to leave Montrame,
wouldn't it? Not everyone I met was excited about Montrame. Some con-
sidered it to be a bad instincto ghetto with the residents having
awful habits.

>And if Instinctive Nutrition is an "extreme diet", then trillions of
>living animals for millions of years have been living extremely ...
>& rather successfully.  I'm pleased to join them.

Well sed, Bo7b. That mirrors my feelings about instincto pretty well.
What we humans are doing today seems to be the most extreme diet that
ever occurred on this planet: cooked, microwaved, irradiated, treated
with high-pressure, frozen, mixed, grilled, extracted, synthesized
and so on. And there seems to be a majority of 5 billion humans prac-
tising this diet while there is a neglectable minority who practices
instinctive natural nutrition.
Strange world.

Greetings to Zephyr! But don't wake him for that. :-)

>I've been gettin' by with a definiton of slavery that includes "force",
>"compulsion" (like drafting folks into the army or "social service"
>against their will).. Are we using different meanings, or was Orkos
>forcing labor

Yeah, that's why I rambled about the freedom of choice.

>Sorry, Stefan, I must disagree.  Democracy is the worst form of
>statism, socialism , egalitarianism, altruism & slavery.  It is
>unrestricted majority rule.  It is two wolves & a rabbit voting on
>who's for breakfast.  I'd prefer our constitutional republic back!

The example doesn't apply since one of the guarantees a democratic
state gives its citizens, is "the right of bodily unscathedness"
(hope I translated this correct. I mean the right not to be harmed
by others bodily). There will never be two Bob7bs and one Stefan vo-
ting to have Stefan for breakfast. :-)

For me democracy isn't the best form of statism etc. It is reverse:
it is the least awful form. That's not very satisfying but for now
it may be sufficient until we discover better methods to lead a
society. Let's work on it!

Instinctive philosophical wishes,


P.S. Has anyone seen our moderator recently? He seems to have been
hijacked. ;-)