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Jean-Louis Tu <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 13:50:31 -0400
text/plain (87 lines)

> There is no rule saying, that you must eat fruits at noon. The menu
> plan, which you seem to never have seen (please tell me!)

I just had a very quick look at it. Rather complicated! (a lot of boxes,

> guides you at
> noon from fruit to vegetables, then to proteins.
> So if fruits aren't attractive at noon you are free to eat vegetables or
> even a protein.

OK, that's more satisfying (except that it is hard to avoid eating a lot of
fruits; if I follow my denatured instinct with selected fruits, I invariably
end up eating a fruit-only meal).

> For the percentage of fruits:
> You are always fascinated by the numbers, Jean-Louis, aren't you?
> I see the mathematician in nearly every sentence.

Sorry, maybe I should start studying biology (more useful to discuss
things around nutrition and health).

> Anyway, I'm following my instincts, not some percentages in my food. If
> my instincts lead me to 80% fruits then I'll accept as long as I don't
> watch disadvantages.

Yes, but I don't trust my instinct anymore regarding the amount of fruit,
for the reason I mentioned. Sure, the experiments of Barry Sears were
done with people eating cooked food, and not instinctively, but I believe
there is some underlying truth in it.

> So I'm quite happy with the
> menu plan and the rules - they finally are meeting my instinctive needs.

OK, but I am not. Everyone is different.

> Jean-Louis:
> >Well, I will open a factory where people work 10 hours/day, 6 days/week,
> >with a low salary, no medical insurance. And people are free to go for
> >another job... Do you see the flaw?

> No. It depends on the market. If there are too much unemployed people you
> will get them for nearly any conditions (although fluctuation might be
> high when they discover how bad the job really is). If there are too much
> jobs offered you won't find any workers for your bad conditions.
> Conditions are subject to changes according to the state the worker's
> market is in.

Sorry to talk too much about an off-topic subject, but you seem to have
ultra-rightist views. Believe me, market rules won't solve any problems.
If unions of workers hadn't fought hard to defend their rights, we would
still be working 60 hours/week, with poor conditions, etc.

> You seem to belong to the 95% since you are believing in people at Orkos
> not being free.

?? You seem pretty quick at categorizing people in free/not free,
responsible/passive, positive/negative, good/bad... The functioning
of your brain follows quite accurately the lines of manicheism.

>That's   y o u r   problem.

I disagree. That's

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problem [I used figlet for that. Nice, isn't it?]

Remember that I am now in the US, and I don't care about Orkos since I
can't order from them. Maybe some people at Orkos have freely chosen to
work at Orkos, and are happy with that. But the article in L'Express
clearly shows that a few were frustrated, and became angry towards Burger,
after having worked at Orkos for a while.

Best wishes,

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