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Thu, 19 Jun 1997 14:22:50 -0700
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In March, 1986 I switched to raw food.  At the time
I ate a typical western junk-food diet.  I weighed
about 210 lbs (5' 11'').  I had severe heart problems:
high blood pressure, angina, palpitations, dizzy spells.
I feared that I could drop dead any time.  I experienced
the early onset of arthritis: stiffness in joints, pain
in wrists and ancles.  I also suffered from recurring
malaria attacks.

Fortunately, a friend introduced me to Guy-Claude Burger's
'La Guerre du Cru" ('The War of Raw').  After reading
some 50 pages I decided to immediately switch cold-turkey
to raw.  I also acquired every other raw-food book I could
get for a multiplicity of opinion and guidance.  I also
started reading up on supplements.  Within a week of
switching to raw, I started taking a range of supplements.

Within two weeks of switching to raw, the heart problems
disappeared.  My heart rate quickly came down from around
80 to 60.  Of course, I suffered severe detoxification
crises.  My weight quickly came down to around 175 lbs.
All the joint stiffness and pain disappeared over about
a month.

The first three months were "absolute hell."  One night
I had a detoxification crisis during which I thought I
would surely die -- the worst headache ever, extreme
vomiting, dizziness lasting for several hours.

About three months after the switch, I had a "malaria
detox" which lasted about a week.  During this period
my body wanted only grapes, so that's all I ate.  At
the body level I experienced the usual malaria symptoms:
headache, nausea, intermittently feeling very cold and
very hot, generally feeling weak.  But at the cellular
level it felt as if cells throughout my body were having
orgasms!  All in all it was an extremely enjoyable
experience!  No malaria attacks since.

It took about six months to get over my cravings for
things like cooked meat, chocolate, beer, cheese.  To
deviate from my diet has since become "unthinkable."
If someone were to offer me $1,000 to eat just one
mouthful of cooked meat, I would decline!  In fact,
even $100,000 wouldn't persuade me!

In 1988 I started to run to get fit.  I now have
considerable energy and stamina.  Recently I also
started working out twice a week in the gym.  Few
people half my age can keep up with me running up
the mountain.

For "breakfast" I have only supplements and water.

For lunch I have fruit, and sometimes seeds, nuts,
and honey.  Also supplements.

For dinner I have a protein course (meat, fish, or eggs),
followed by vegetables, sometimes sprouts, sometimes sea
vegetables (dulse, kombu, nori), and sometimes seeds,
nuts, and honey.  Also supplements.

I eat sequentially, one thing at a time, until I've had
sufficient of that thing.  No dairy products.  No eating
between meals.  Mostly organic.  Meat from Coleman's
(Colorado); poultry and eggs from Shelton's (California).
No recipes or prepared meals.

Since the switch I've never spent a day sick in bed.  I
do get the occasional cold or flu -- mild and quickly
over.  Even when I have flu I still run up the mountain.
It just takes a little longer beause flu weakens the

My latest discovery is a new book 'Eat Right for Your Type'
by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo.  He advocates that people with
different blood types have different metabolisms and should
eat accordingly -- some should eat meat and some shouldn't.
I'm getting my blood tested to see where I fit into his

I believe that we can improve on "nature" -- hence
supplements.  We need to develop the technology to overcome
death and achieve biological or physical immortality.

I'm interested in meeting other raw-food eaters, particularly
those living in S.W. USA -- AZ, CA, NM, NV -- preferably with
open-minded, tolerant, and respectful attitudes.  Please
contact me at [log in to unmask]

Frederick Mann