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Tue, 18 Mar 1997 00:05:11 -0800 (PST)
Nieft / Secola <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (223 lines)
This is the full text of an article Ward Nicholson shared with me a
while back. I typed some of it up in a response to axel a couple months
ago, but since my scanner is now working I thought I'd post the whole
thing. Pretty good for 25 years ago, I'd say....[hopefully someone will
santch this up for their web site and make it available to all-comers]



Excessive Fruit Eating  by Gerald Benesh, D.C.

(From the May/June 1976 issue of Ahimsa, published by The American
Vegan Society.) Dr. Benesh's article--excerpted from Dr. Shelton's
Hygienic Review, April 1971--was published as an accompaniment to H.
Jay Dinshah's "Fruit For Thought" article series.

For the past 12 years, while carrying on my practice [as an eminent
natural hygiene practitioner/educator, now retired as Director of
Paradise Valley Health Ranch, Escondido. --j.d.] in the State of
California, I have observed numerous patients suffering from various
physical and neurological disorders due to overeating of the fruits
that are so readily available in this part of the country.

There are those individuals who are laboring under the idea that man is
by nature a fruit-eater, which is far from the truth. Man cannot
sustain himself in a good state of health on an exclusive fruit diet
nor on a diet that predominates in fruit.

There is no place on earth where man can avail himself of sufficient
varieties of fresh fruits that will supply him with all of the
essential ingredients that will enable him to enjoy full health for a
prolonged period of time. How long he will appear to do well on this
type of regimen depends on the amount of vital reserves that he has
within the tissues of his body. When these are depleted or lowered to a
great degree, trouble commences and disorders take place The cardinal
signs that appear in these so-called fruitarians are: ridged nails,
gingivitis, dental caries, dry skin and brittle hair, lowered red blood
cell count and low hemoglobin percentage. Over a long period of time
(at least one year or more) the blood serum level drops to a point of
an impending pathological state if not corrected.

Many of them display serious signs of neurological disorders, while
some experience emotional upsets and extreme nervousness and often
complain of insomnia. When their nutritional program is corrected these
signs disappear and the patient finds himself in a much improved state
of health.

I recently spoke with a health-minded medical doctor, who embarked on
this lop-sided program and did very well, experiencing a high state
health for about a year, when almost suddenly a loss of weight was
experienced and neurological signs were evident. This doctor took a
series of blood and serum tests plus other pertinent tests, which
verified what I have observed in fruitarians and excessive
fruit-eaters, and corroborates my findings.

Another cardinal lack that occurs quite often is a distinct lack of
vitamin B-12. This lack of B-12 gives rise to the neurological signs
that indicate a serious deprivation of this vital element needed to
keep the nervous system opetating at a so-called normal level.

Vitamin B-12 is produced in the large intestine when the flora is
normal, and this normal state is due to a wholesome, balanced natural
diet. A normal state of the intestinal flora cannot be maintained on an
exclusive fruit diet nor one which predominates in fruits, especially
the citrus fruit, including pineapples.

The resulting excessive amounts of organic acids that are not
completely buffered (neutralized) during the digestive and assimilative
processes are found in abnormal amounts in the large intestine. These
excessive acids will alter the intestinal flora, so as to prevent the
formation of normal amounts of vitamin B-12 and K which are essential
to good bowel action, the prevention of excessive gas formation, and
prevent the growth of bacteria necessary to good health.

In an attempt to somewhat maintain a normal chemical state within the
colon, vital salts will be drawn from the cells and tissues of the
colon, causing flaccidity, lack of tone and ultimately interfere with
the peristaltic action of the colon, thus causing constipation. if this
condition is not remedied by a proper diet and exercise, colitis and
cancer can be the result.

This leaching out of calcium and other alkaline salts from the walls of
the intestine, in order to neutralize these excessive organic acids,
will weaken the walls of the minute blood vessels and result in
petechial hemorrhages in the mucosal lining of the intestine. The
resulting blood is found in the stool in varying degrees. The fecal
analysis will reveal occult blood and often mucous shreds.

Hemorrhoids (piles) will occur in many cases. Where these conditions
existed in the past, rectal bleeding may be present.

The so-called Nature Cure doctors.in the past and even so in the
present expounded the theory that fruits will have an alkaline reaction
within the body, as the ash product (the residue resulting from the
metabolism) is alkaline and so indicates that the body is now in a
normal 75%-80% alkaline and 20%-25% acid salts state.

In cases of excessive fruit-eating the direct opposite condition can
exist and a state of acidosis (a lower-than-normal degree of
alkalinity) is present.

How does this come about? All fresh fruits, particularly the acid and
subacid contain an abundance of fruit sugars and organic acids. In the
process of digestion and assimilation, conversion (oxidation) to
simpler substances takes place and the end products are nutrients for
the living body, and the waste (ash) products of this cellular
metabolism are water, carbonic acid gas and carbon dioxide.

During these numerous chemical changes certain intermediate products
(acids) occur, some of which will be left over for the system to deal
with the best way it can. This condition constitutes a state called
acidosis. A so-called normal amount of these products is present during
the chemical changes that go on day by day. But when advanced states of
acidosis occur radical changes also do occur, and if not altered,
serious pathological conditions are brought about. In general free
acids, except in the stomach, are not tolerated. They interfere with
and may also inhibit normal Protoplasmic functioning. These acids must
be promptly neutralized in order to avoid serious trouble.

The system responds by calling on its vital reserves of alkaline salts,
and these are never too great in modern man. They are soda, potash,
lime, etc. These salts bind with the free acids, forming salts, and the
acids are neutralized, and if all goes well, are excreted in solution
via the kidneys.

If, however, the reserves are low, or if the person continues on this
destructive way of life, the conditions worsen because the bases
(alkaline salts) must now be withdrawn from the functional and
structural sources--to their detriment-imposing great hardship on the

In the early stages one may find crystals of oxalate of lime, acid
stellar phosphates of lime and a slight increase in the normal ammonium
salts, at the expense of the urea percentage.

Soon uric acid puts in its appearance, as disturbances in one
department of the body will trigger off other metabolic changes. The
mere passage of these crystals irritates the urinary tract Causing
urethritis and cystitis and later may initiate 'stone' formation in the
kidneys or bladder. The usual follow-up is a disturbance in the nervous
system. By now acidosis is well established and a chronic state is at

Three very important chemical elements are involved in the phenomena of
acid formation. The greatest and so-called Culprit is hydrogen.
Hydrogen is known as a water-former but likewise is also an
acid-former. All acids, fruits and vegetables and others contain
hydrogen in varying degrees. Acid and sub-acid fruits contain greater
amounts than do green leafy vegetables.

In order to break down complex acids into simpler forms, oxygen--over
and above that already contained in the acids--has to be added to them.
This is termed oxidation and an example of this is the breakdown of
acetic acid plus oxygen into formic acid, carbonic acid and water. In
this breaking-down process of complex organic acids into simpler ones,
constant oxidation is taking place, using up great quantities of oxygen
in reserve and other available oxygen, plus an attempt to break up the
association of hydrogen with carbon. During these many and varied
chemical changes, free hydrogen is released, which in fact is the
villain in the creation of the state of acidosis.

It is now the chemical problem of the body to dispose of this offender
before conditions become overwhelming. It is at this stage that the
body cannot allow the free hydrogen to remain as such within the
organism. The problem at hand is due to the depleted state of the
alkaline salts plus the fact that the oxidizing powers have also been
over-drawn in the conversion of carbon atoms into carbon dioxide which
must be eliminated from the bloodstream via the lungs.

How will the body cope with this excess of hydrogen? It does so by
picking up one atom from the protein portion of the body, joins it with
three of the excessive hydrogen atoms, forming ammonia (NH3). Now we
have a new and different state in the urinary tract, which is passed as
a highly alkaline fluid.

Many are sadly mistaken by the presence of this alkaline state of the
urine, as the uninformed may readily claim that this is good and
indicates a so-called normal alkaline state of the body fluids, when in
reality it indicates an advanced state of acidosis.

Ammonia in microscopical amounts is found in normal urine, but when the
urine is highly alkaline, a serious and often pathological state exists
within that organism. It indicates a serious loss of alkaline salts
which can only lead to disaster if not corrected.

Therefore, it is imperative that one follow a balanced course in life,
especially in the field of nutrition. It behooves one to know one's
limits in all departments of life and to abstain from any excesses.
This is especially true of excessive fruit-eating.

Man falls into the category of a Primate, anatomically and
physiologically speaking. The diet of the true primate is not one of a
fruit-eatet exclusively, but rather that of a vegetable-eater. The ape,
gorilla and other primates subsist chiefly on tender shoots, barks,
herbs, wild celery, fruits, nuts and seeds. On rare occasions when
other foods are not readily available, the ape and the gorilla will rob
a bird nest and consume the eggs. It is said that on rare occasions
small birds will be eaten by these Primates. Unripe fruits rich in
chlorophyll will also be eaten by them when other foods are scarce.

Man, over the years of unnatural living, has perverted his tastes and
desires, resulting in an abnormal functioning body which ends up in a
so-called diseased state. He craves the stimulating foods for their
effect rather than the benefits that proper foods can render him. These
abnormal desires lead to greater cravings, for even greater stimulants
which ultimately end up in disaster in one form or another.

But when one reverses the process and allows enough time to intervene,
these abnormal desires mane and the normal tastes and desires guided by
a natural instinct will once again guide man and keep him in a healthy
state of being.

The Natural Hygienic program offers this to the persons who will adhere
strictly to the program and live it day by day. The end results are an
inspiration to the applicant, and along the path to recovery the
startling improvements will encourage one to continue an this noble way
of life.