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[log in to unmask] (Laurie Forti)
Sat, 20 Apr 96 15:32:50 -0500
text/plain (63 lines)
 Md> Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 22:11:01 -0500 (EST)
 Md> From: Michael Clingman <[log in to unmask]>
 Md> To: undisclosed.recipients:;@clark.net
 Md> Subject: veg-raw: Re: Raw food and hunger (fwd)

 Md> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
 Md> Date: Mon, 1 Apr 96 00:56:22 CST
 Md> From: Michele Reel <[log in to unmask]>
 Md> To: [log in to unmask]
 Md> Subject: Re: veg-raw: Raw food and hunger (fwd)

 Md> One thing I have found interesting:  though I have heard it reported
 Md> that people on raw foods are always hungry, I have also heard the
 Md> opposite reported.

    There are a couple of factors.  First, we don't really know what
hunger is; Shelton claims that _true_ hunger is felt in the throat and
is _very_ specific for the exact food needed -- this _only_ after a
long fast when some nutrient has been depleted to the point where more
is necessary.  Obviously, this is not what you are referring to.
    The new (transitional) raw fooder is used to having an
undigestible lump of concentrated (meat) protein, animal fat, and
concentrated starch lying around in the stomach for hours.  This lump
is that by which we 'feel full'.  This lump persists in the stomach
for hours, and its absence when one starts eating a lighter, more
digestible diet is commonly misinterpreted as hunger.  Remember the
old saying about eating Chinese food and feeling hungry in an hour?
    So, the idea is to forget the lump as a sign of having eaten, and
learn to appreciate the empty, energetic feeling associated with a
lighter diet and good digestion.
    There is also another interesting process experienced by those on
a heavy and toxic meat diet.  These folks are so toxic that if they
don't eat meat every 2 to 3 hours, they get a headache.  They actually
believe that they are hungry, that hunger creates headaches, and that
eating solves the problem.  What they don't know is that they are so
toxic that not eating for several hours (a mini fast) starts a
cleansing process that releases toxins into the blood which in turn
results in the headache.  Yes, their constant eating prevents the
headaches, by eliminating the opportunity for the cleansing process,
but certainly not because they are 'hungry'.

 Md> I have a history of overeating, and my own experience is that the more
 Md> pure and
 Md> clean my diet is, the less I even THINK about food as well as eat it.

    Yep, the healthier we get, generally the less we eat.  People can
fast for a couple of months since the cells are living on stored
reserves, so we really do not need to eat constantly and in the
quantities associated with the cultural diet.  Since cooking damages
nutrients, eating cooked food leads to overeating.

 Md> To me, this is one of the most wonderful freedoms I feel with a
 Md> high-raw diet:
 Md> the freedom from a terrible addiction to constant food anxiety!!
    Good for you.  You were 'addicted' to a dangerous cultural
concept, and now are _experiencing_ the falseness of your cultural
    Eat only when hungry, not by the clock.  Remember that plant
eating animals graze or nibble all day, they do not eat a huge meal
and collapse like cultural humans.  Eating lots of little meals
quickly becomes obvious.