For blind ham radio operators


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Dave Basden <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Jun 2015 16:23:18 -0700
text/plain (39 lines)
Hi All,

Our club, the Rogue Valley ARC, will also have a special call sign 
for Field Day--K7M.  We will operate 4A from a site on the Rogue 
River about an hour's drive from Medford.  There will be two CW and 
two phone stations.  I will operate one of the CW stations using a 
TH5DX and dipoles for 40 and 80.  The other CW station will combine 
CW with digital and will use a five-element monobander on 20 along 
with dipoles.  The two phone stations will share a three-element 
tribander using a triplexer.  They will probably have dipoles as 
well.  Our club has won Oregon two of the last three years running 
3A.  The year we didn't win we were operating 2A.  Even though 3A has 
been a winning strategy for us, we decided to run 4A to give more 
people a chance to operate.  We'll see how this works.  Give us a 
call if you hear us on.


Dave, W7OQ

At 12:46 PM 6/24/2015, you wrote:
>Four clubs from my area of Mississippi are combining their resources
>for a 3A Field Day operation. The location will be a city park in
>Pelahatchie, MS, pronounced pee la hatchie, which is about 30 miles
>east of Jackson.
>We will be operating under the special event call W5W.
>If you encounter that call on CW during the day or early evening, the
>operator will very likely be me. I will also take a turn or two at the
>SSB station, but my primary enjoyment at Field Day is CW.
>We plan to operate all of the Field Day bands from 80 through 2 meters.
>I hope to contact many list members during the event.
>Mike Duke, K5XU