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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 May 2006 14:47:09 -0600
text/plain (32 lines)
Gretchen had to go before the diversionary board the other day due to her
non compliance and bad recent drug tests.  Since her case officer assigned
her, that is, reassigned her, to the drug classes, and since she has been
attending them, the board decided to give her a second chance.  this means
several things.  first, she is functioning under a zero tolerance level,
which means, one bad drug test, one missed drug test, or one missed class
and she is terminated from the diversionary program and sent back to a
judge, that is, the court.  He then decides her fate.  It also means she not
only has to pay the remaining money she owes the diversionary program, which
is down to about 3800 dollars, but she has to pay for each and every class
she is now taking.  In short, this means that she has no money left from her
paycheck.  Thus, we don't get paid rent.  If she can't pay rent, she can't
live here.  Gretchen admits to not only being stoned on meth the last few
days but to selling it to help pay for her own.  Wonderful!  Additionally,
she has a new boy friend, an x meth addict, of course, whom she has all but
admitted gets high with her.  So much for being an x junky.  To top it all
off, her other boy friend, the one who has been in prison for the last six
months for non compliance, gets out next Tuesday.  Of course, there's one
other thing.  Gretchen could get stopped and arrested any where alone the
line and even her case officer says that such an event, of course, means
straight to prison.  Colorado has this stupid three strikes and you are out
law.  If they had a one strike and you are out law, there would be fewer
criminals walking around and fewer drunks back out on the road.  Gretchen is
on 2.5 strikes.  Yes, I am still taking my steroids for my back but I think
they are making me meaner.


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