Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Dec 2003 15:07:15 -0800
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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
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De Amerikaanse interlinguist Harleigh Kyson Jr. heeft
in het Internet (Zie: een
conversatiecursus in Interlingua gepubliceerd.
Hieronder geven we de eerste scene van deze cursus.

SCENA 1:  Petro conduce in su automobile un de su
collegas a su officio.  Post un cursa a transverso
le traffico multo dense Petro e su collega arriva
al officios de Marex Mundial.  Le collega de Petro
quita le automobile e le regratia pro le cursa.

Tunc Petro parca su automobile.  Entrante in le
officio, Petro saluta diverse personas.  Un de su
collegas, Franco, demanda le consilio de Petro super
un traduction que ille vole facer.

Petro recommenda un agentia, ma dice a Franco que
ille le dara le detalios plus tarde.  Ille debe
facer omne su travalio sin le assistentia de su
secretaria, qui es in vacantias.

Petro:  Ah, le tempore es belle hodie.

Le collega:  Si, ma illo cambia un pauco.

Petro:  Nos es in retardo.

Le collega:  Non troppo.  Nos ha quasi arrivate.
Me place Strasbourg.  Que pensa vos de illo?

Petro:  Io lo trova agradabile.  Ubi vole vos que
io face descender vos?

Le collega:  Io travalia justemente illac.

Petro:  Tu empleo, illo te place?

Le collega:  Si.  Illo es perfecte.  Gratias pro
haber me conducite hic.

Petro:  Il esseva un placer pro me.

Le collega:  Bon viage.

Petro:  Gratias:  E anque pro vos.

Portero:  Bon matino, senior Minelli.

Voce 1:  Bon matino, Petro.

Petro:  Bon matino.

Voce 2:  Salute.

Petro:  Bon die, seniora Ducotto.  Toto va ben?

Voce 3:  Bon die, senior.  Toto va multo ben.

Petro:  Salute, Franco.  Como sta tu?

Franco:  Ben.  Gratias.  Dice, esque tu ha un momento?

Petro:  Justo nunc?

Franco:  Si, si.  Solmente un minuta non plus.

Petro:   Si, certemente.

Franco:  Veni in mi officio.  Tu pare multo ben,

Petro:  Ah si.  Il es un belle die.  Il face bon
tempore.  On vide le sol.  Ecce proque io me senti
benissime.  Que pote io facer pro te?

Franco:  Alora, reguarda iste papiro super le
transporto.  Io debe haber lo in anglese, in germano,
in italiano, e in espaniol.

Petro:  Esque illo es un traduction simple?

Franco:  Non toto simple.  In illo il ha varie parolas

Petro:  De interlingua a francese, anglese, germano
e espaniol?

Franco:  E italiano.

Petro:  Ma illo es in interlingua?

Franco:  Ah si, illo es in interlingua.

Petro:  Multo ben, tu potera dar lo a un agentia.

Franco:  Si, ma cognosce tu un bon agentia?

Petro:  Generalmente nos usa le agentia Interglossa.

Franco:  Interglossa?  Como scribe on ille parola?

Petro:  I majuscule, en, te, e, er, ge, el, o, es,
es, a.

Franco:  Tu cognosce lor numero de telephono?

Petro:  Eh, non de memoria.  Ma io debe haber lo
alicubi in mi officio.

Franco:  Pote io demandar le numero a Alicia?

Petro:  In iste momento illa es in vacantias.

Franco:  Ah?  Bon.  Tu es toto sol, il pare.

Petro:  Si.

Franco:  Completemente sol, tote le die, mi povre

Petro:  Illo non me da problemas.  Bon, tu vole
le numero de telephono de Interglossa.  Il ha anque
un altere agentia.

Franco:  Ah si?  Io debe trovar una gentia le plus
tosto possibile, proque io ha besonio del traductiones
ante le fin del septimana.

(Ex "Voce de interlingua", anno 2003, numero 28)


The American Interlinguist Harleigh Kyson Jr. has
published an Interlingua conversation course on
the Internet (See  Here we
present the first scene of this course:

SCENA 1:  Petro is driving one of his colleagues
to his office.  After going through some very dense
traffic, Petro and his colleague arrive at the offices
of Marex Mundial.  Petro's colleague gets out of
the car and thanks him for the ride/lift.

Then Petro parks his car.  Entering the office,
Petro greets several people.  One of his colleagues,
Franco, asks his advice about a translation he wants
to make.

Petro recommends an agency but says to Franco that
he will give him the details later on.  He has to
do all his work without the help of his secretary,
who is on vacation.

Petro:  Ah, the weather is nice today.

His colleague:  Yeah, but it's changing a little.

Petro:  We're late.

His colleague:  (Not too late.) / (Not all that
much/late.)  We're almost there.  I like Strasbourg.
What do you think of it?

Petro:  I find it nice/agreeable.  Where do you
want me to drop you off?

His colleague:  I work right over there.

Petro:  Your work/job, do you like it?

His colleague:  Yes.  It's perfect.  Thanks for
having driven me here.

Petro:  It was a pleasure.

His colleague:  Have a good trip.

Petro:  Thanks.  You too.

Porter:  Good Morning, Mr. Minelli.

Voice 1:  Good morning, Petro.

Petro:  Good morning.

Voice 2:  Hi.

Petro:  Good morning, Mrs. Ducotto.  How's everything

Voice 3:  Good morning, sir.  Everything's going
just fine, thanks.

Petro:  Hi, Franco.  (How are you?) / (How're you
doing?) / (How's it going?) / (How's everything?)

Franco:  Fine, thanks.  Say, do you have a minute?

Petro:  Right now?

Franco:  Yeah.  Just a minute, nothing more.

Petro:  Yes, (of course) / (Certainly).

Franco:  Come into my office.  You're looking very
well, really!

Petro:  Oh yes.  It's a nice day.  The weather's
fine.  The sun's out.  That's why I'm feeling so
well.  What can I do for you?

Franco:  Okay.  (Look at this transportation paper.) /
(Look at this paper [I have] / [I've got] on
transportation.)  (I must) / (I have to) / (I've
gotta) / (I gotta) have it in English, German,
and Spanish.

Petro:  Is it a simple translation?

Franco:  (Not completely.) / (Not all that simple.)
There are various technical words in it.

Petro:  From Interlingua to French, English, German,
and Spanish?

Franco:  And Italian.

Petro:  But it is in interlingua?

Franco:  Yeah, it's in Interlingua.

Petro:  Okay.  You can give it to an agency.

Franco:  (Yeah.)/(I know.)  But do you know a
good agency?

Petro:  Generally we use the Interglossa agency.

Franco:  Interglossa?  How do you write that word?

Petro:  Capital eye, enn, tea, ee, are, gee, ell,
oh, ess, ess, ay.

Franco:  Do you know their phone number?

Petro:  Not right off hand.  But I should have it
somewhere in my office.

Franco:  Can I ask Alicia for the number?

Petro:  Right now, she's on vacation.

Franco:  Okay.  You're all alone, it seems.

Petro:  Yes.

Franco:  Completely alone, all day long.  I feel
sorry for you.

Petro:  Don't worry.  I'll do just fine.  Okay,
you want the phone number for Interglossa.  There's
also another agency.

Franco:  Oh yeah?  I've gotta find an agency as
soon as possible because (I'll be needing) / (I'll
need) the translations before the weekend.


Nota sur le notation usate in le transcription del
version de anglese:

Como altere anglophonos native, io ha apprendite multe
manieras de exprimer conceptos simile.  Io ha indicate
alicunes ex istes usante delimitarores como ([]).

Ecce un exemplo de un pecia de dialogo e le 12
manieras individual de exprimer le conceptos indicate
con iste delimitatores:


(1) Okay.  Look at this this transportation paper.  I
must have it in English, German, Italian, and Spanish.

(2) Okay.  Look at this transportation paper.  I have
to have it in English, German, Italian, and Spanish.

(3) Okay.  Look at this transportation paper.  I've
gotta have it in English, German, Italian, and

(4) Okay.  Look at this transportation paper.  I gotta
have it in English, German, Italian and Spanish.


(5) Okay.  Look at this paper I have on
transportation.  I must have it in English, German,
Italian, and Spanish.

(6) Okay.  Look at this paper I have on
transportation.  I have to have it in English, German,
Italian, and Spanish.

(7) Okay.  Look at this paper I have on
transportation.  I've gotta have it in English,
German, Italian, and Spanish.

(8) Okay.  Look at this paper I have on
transportation.  I gotta have it in English, German,
Italian and Spanish.


(9) Okay.  Look at this paper I've got on
transportation.  I must have it in English, German,
Italian, and Spanish.

(10) Okay.  Look at this paper I've got on
transportation.  I have to have it in English, German,
Italian, and Spanish.

(11) Okay.  Look at this paper I've got on
transportation.  I've gotta have it in English,
German, Italian, and Spanish.

(12) Okay.  Look at this paper I've got on
transportation.  I gotta have it in English, German,
Italian and Spanish.

NOTA QUE le systema verbal del anglese, specialmente
in su verbos modal de obligation, nunc es instabilie.

NOTA SPECIALMENTE que le differentia inter "I've gotta
have it" e "I gotta have it" depende de un sol
phonema, como le differentia inter le francese "Je
n'ai pas envie de lire son livre." / "J'ai pas envie
de lire son livre."

Le systema de negation del francese nunc monstra un
certe instabilitate.  Probabilemente, con le tempore
le particula "ne" essera completemente eliminate in le
negation francese.

E naturalmente, si a vos place le elimination de iste
particula, vos dicera que illo es evidentia admirabile
del tendentia verso le simplification del grammatica

E si illo non place a vos, vos dicera que illo es un
exemplo del decadentia del francese moderne, que
esseva in su melior stato in le epocha de, que nos
dice, Moliere o Racine.


Como promover usar le Rete e su ressources
bibliographic public pro incoragiar le uso expandite
de interlingua:

Le dialogos e exercitios de mi curso de conversation
<> es un
ressource bibliographic public como "Interlingua
in interlingua" <>
e le textos in interlingua de Wikipedia.

Imitante le philosophia de Wikipedia sur le uso
de ressources bibliographic public, vos pote rediger
iste textos como vos vole, forsan combinante los
con altere simile ressources, pro publication
ubicunque in le Rete.

Un maniera excellente de apprender interlingua
vermente ben es compilar vostre proprie anthologia ex
su ressources public, scriber vostre proprie
presentation del grammatica de interlingua, e publicar
vostre effortios in le Rete pro le uso de alteres.


Si vos es un studente del anglese, io spera que
le textos in interlingua e anglese que io presenta
in iste sito vos adjuvara in vostre studios.  Vos
anque pote adjuvar studentes de vostre lingua native
si vos presenta simile textos bilingue in iste sito.

Vos anque pote imprimer textos in un tertie lingua,
preparar un version de illos in interlingua, e
finalmente preparar un version de illos in vostre
lingua native.

Tal presentationes demonstra fortemente le avantages
de interlingua como lingua ponte e presentara
ressources multo utile pro studentes del prime lingua
de tal textos trilingue e de vostre lingua native.

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