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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Mon, 14 Feb 2000 20:13:36 -0800
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Since there has been hardly any critical voice raised about this person
or case - at least on the left, and in a public forum - I think we
should all consider this article...I don't agree with the red-baiting
and other stuff, but I do agree that many of us have run off,
uncritically and without consideration...thoughts?

                          What's Mumia Got to Do With It?

              Marc Cooper is a good leftist who thinks Mumia Abu-Jamal
is a
            bad choice for poster-boy of the anti-death penalty
                         We invite you to hear his argument and discuss
it with Cooper
           himself, here on the MoJo Wire.

             by Marc Cooper
              Feb. 9, 2000

                     Nowadays,  whenever     I
                     see a Free Mumia banner or leaflet, I start
thinking how much
                       more I'd just rather just be Free of Mumia.

                                What collective affliction has overcome
my fellow leftists? We
           haven't had enough defeats and embarrassments these past two
                           decades? Now, you want to take the deathly
serious issue of
              capital punishment and tie it to some politically dubious
                            cult-groupie like Mumia Abu-Jamal?

                           Full-page ads in major metro dailies,
                 international petition campaigns,
                                protest caravans and nationwide days of
              protest to set Mumia free. Grass-addled
                                students at Washington state's Evergreen

                         College wildly applauding his
                   tape-delivered commencement speech.
                                Activists buying up his two books from
          death row and huddling to pore over His
                           Words. Regular lionizations of Mumia on
                        Pacifica Radio (for whose LA affiliate I
                   do a daily talk show).

              I haven't seen such madness since
                    December 1969 when the SDS Weatherman
                           faction staged a "National War Council"   ,
                     in Flint, Mich. and toasted Charlie
                                Manson by repeatedly stabbing three
         fingers in the air, symbolizing the
                                forks that Comrade Manson and his
girlfriends plunged into his
                       victims' entrails.

              It's madness because the death penalty and its copious
                   application in modern America is a barbaric outrage.
It's also
                                one of the toughest political fights we
can imagine, given its
                                approval by about 80 percent of the
population. Its abolition
                                requires a protracted, tenacious
organizing and moral
                                offensive. And, unfortunately, by
turning Abu-Jamal into the
                                icon of the movement, the professional
Mumiacs are, frankly,
                                muddying the waters.

                                They are tying together four separate
questions. Let's look at
                                them one by one:

                                  1. The political lionization of Mumia
as a "political
                                     prisoner." This is both absurd and
insulting. Though he
                                     briefly passed through the Black
Panthers as a young man,
                                     Mumia's latest political
incarnation is as supporter of
                                     the Philadelphia-based group known
as MOVE. No serious
                                     political analyst can conclude that
MOVE is anything more
                                     than an off-keel personality cult
built around its now
                                     deceased guru John Africa. Yes,
MOVE gives lip service to
                                     the rhetoric of social justice. But
that's when it's not
                                     arguing that humans and insects
exist at the same
                                     spiritual level and when it's not
demanding that all
                                     group leaders change their last
name to "Africa" and
                                     devote their lives to the study of
the eternal words of

                                     To suggest that Mumia is some sort
of black-liberation
                                     hero is to sully and dishonor the
memory and sacrifice of
                                     the entire pantheon of authentic
civil-rights leaders.
                                     Listening to Mumia's bizarre
commencement speech given
                                     last year to Evergreen makes
Minister Farrakhan's Million
                                     Man discourse on numerology sound
as stirring, by
                                     comparison, as the Emancipation

                                     Neither is Mumia in jail as a
political prisoner. There
                                     is no question that the
Philadelphia police may have very
                                     well manipulated and even
fabricated some of the evidence
                                     against Mumia. And it's true that
Mumia had a checkered
                                     career in both mainstream and
alternative journalism. But
                                     Mumia's own personal and
psychological crisis before his
                                     arrest had reduced him to working
as a taxi cab driver.
                                     That is what he was doing the night
of his arrest. Mumia
                                     was NOT busted and framed because
he was a political
                                     threat to the establishment. He was
arrested because he
                                     was found, wounded, with his gun
drawn and resting near
                                     his hand, a few feet from a
murdered cop.

                                     But little wonder Mumia has been
lionized. The most
                                     prominent leader of the Free Mumia
movement, C. Clark
                                     Kissinger, is a longtime worshipper
of politically
                                     suspect heroes. As one of the top
Maoist dogmatists in
                                     America, Kissinger has veteran
experience in apologizing
                                     for the various atrocities carried
out by the Great
                                     Helmsman and his acolytes (Gosh, I
can't ever remember
                                     Comrade Kissinger protesting the
generous application of
                                     the death penalty in China).

                                  2. Did Mumia get a fair trial? That
answer seems to be
                                     probably not. I agree that he
should be given another
                                     trial. As Debra Dickerson -- no
admirer of Mumia's --
                                     recently pointed out in,
Mumia's supporters
                                     have a good case to make when they
argue his trial was
                                     tainted by concocted confessions,
unreliable eyewitnesses
                                     and a biased judge. But it's also
true that during his
                                     trial, Mumia contributed to a
carnival atmosphere with
                                     disruptive antics described by the
Philadelphia Inquirer
                                     "as bizarre as it was suicidal."

                                  3. Is Mumia innocent? I don't know. I
doubt it, though. I am
                                     certainly not prepared to simply
conclude: Free Mumia.
                                     Recently, left-of-center journalist
Enzo Di Mateo wrote
                                     in the Toronto-based alternative
weekly NOW of "The Holes
                                     in Mumia's Story."

                                     Indeed, Di Mateo's account of the
incident that landed
                                     Mumia on death row is among the
best on record:

                                          "It was in the early morning
hours of Dec. 9, 1981
                                          that Mumia Abu-Jamal came upon
his brother, William
                                          Cook, being hit with a
flashlight by police officer
                                          Daniel Faulkner had pulled
over the Volkswagen Cook
                                          was driving. What happened
next depends on who you
                                          listen to. The version put
forward at trial by the
                                          prosecution is that Abu-Jamal
shot Faulkner in the
                                          back, and a wounded Faulkner
turned as he was
                                          falling and got off a shot of
his own that hit
                                          Abu-Jamal in the chest. The
prosecution says
                                          Abu-Jamal gathered himself,
stood over Faulkner and
                                          pumped more bullets, one
practically between the
                                          eyes, into him as he lay on
the sidewalk. The police
                                          arrived on the scene to find
Abu-Jamal slouched on
                                          the curb with a .38 caliber
revolver registered to
                                          him on the ground beside him,
and empty holster
                                          slung under his arms."

                                     The police bungled and perhaps
tampered with the
                                     ballistics and in so doing gave
Mumia's advocates a thin
                                     reed to which to cling. Conversely,
there is nothing in
                                     the ballistics evidence that
definitively exonerates
                                     Mumia. Worse, as Di Matteo writes:
"Five spent bullet
                                     casings were found in Abu-Jamal's
revolver, the same
                                     hollow type removed from Faulkner's
forehead." Mumia,
                                     meanwhile, has never offered an
explanation for that
                                     evening's events. Perhaps a wise
legal strategy, but
                                     politically it leaves much to be

                                  4. What does Mumia's possible
innocence or guilt got to do
                                     with ending capital punishment?
Nothing, per se. I write
                                     this column because I am a staunch,
unmovable death
                                     penalty abolitionist. I believe we
should all oppose
                                     capital punishment -- for the
innocent, obviously, and
                                     also for the guilty. And that's the
central point.
                                     Whether Mumia is innocent or not is
as irrelevant to the
                                     future of the death penalty as is
the case of any one of
                                     the other millions of Americans
currently ensnared by the
                                     behemoth criminal justice system.

                                     I have no problem with people who
wish to spend their
                                     time submitting to the political
leadership of C. Clark
                                     Kissinger and arguing for Mumia's
innocence. But I deeply
                                     resent and regret that they are
trying to make political
                                     support for Mumia's dubious case
into a pre-requisite
                                     litmus test for joining the death
penalty movement.

                                     Just in case there is something in
the above that is not
                                     clear, let me re-state it in simple
terms: A principled
                                     person can both reject the call of
Free Mumia and still
                                     be a committed opponent of the
death penalty. In the same
                                     sense, it's quite possible that
Mumia can be both guilty
                                     and framed by the police. Such
outrages happen every day
                                     in America.

                                     So to those of you who are beating
the drum for Mumia's
                                     innocence, those of you who are
elevating this guy to the
                                     status of political prisoner, those
who are demanding
                                     Free Mumia, well, those of us who
would rather fight to
                                     abolish the death penalty for all
say to you: (to
                                     paraphrase the late, great Phil
Ochs) please find another
                                     movement to be a part of! Until you
do, you are confusing
                                     the issue of the death penalty
itself with the rather
                                     flimsy case of a pretty wigged-out

                                The truly tragic element in the
Mumiamania is that while his
                                supporters swoon over his dreadlocks and
his empty political
                                posturing some 3,500 other nameless
souls are wasting away on
                                America's death rows -- forgotten and
abandoned. And while
                                Mumia is being ably represented by the
admirable legal talents
                                of Leonard Weinglass, a staggering
number of these other
                                condemned men and women have no legal
counsel whatsoever. Here
                                in California, as the heroic group Death
Penalty Focus
                                reports, almost a full-third of the 556
death row inmates are

                                Most death row prisoners aren't so
cuddly, so politically
                                correct, as Mumia. Many are illiterate,
brutal and repeat
                                killers. Some are members of racist
gangs. They make no claim
                                to either political leadership or
political persecution. But I
                                have to wonder how many of their names
are even known by those
                                still marching in circles with their
Free Mumia signs. It's
                                about time they learned. [Image]

                                Marc Cooper is a Los Angeles-based
contributing editor to The
                                Nation magazine.