<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

G'day Listservers!

I have recently found out that my dad & I have DH & are Coeliacs.  We
have been going great guns on the GF diet for 5 months now, particularly
getting fat (or fatter) on homemade GF waffles.

My dad seems to have a strange reaction to dairy products.  They make
him tired!  He dosen't get diarrhoea or other expected reactions to
them.  He now has soy milk, soy ice-cream etc. I was wondering if anyone
else has this symptom?  and why???  He takes multi-vitamin supplements
with iron in them (I thought maybe it's the calcium preventing iron from
being absorbed?).

Could I also make a tentative suggestion that on all posts after you
sign your name that you put your country?!?  I find it confusing when
there is discussion on products of world wide companies, whether it
applies to me or not.  I am a food technologist (not working at the
moment) and have worked in both the UK & Australia, and I know that the
same brand product in both countries can have vastly different formulas.

For those in the USA, particularly WA, there is also a state called WA
in Australia (The state of Western Australia is actually bigger than
Texas).  Many thanks to those who are already doing this.

Melbourne, Australia.