<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Celiacs, and their families;

I like to thank you all for the great
interest, response and help.

I have tried to reply everybody personally but if
I missed anybone please forgive me.

After trying many times without any
success I have decided to make some
investment and buy a new system!

It will take some time...I will let
you know about the progress.

But there is something important and
like to share with you all.

Have you ever heard about "lectin poisoning"?

I have been on a very strict GF, lactose free,
citric acid free and soy free diet for the last 20 months.

I have no problem with my bowels but the upper
right abdominal pain and chronical hives(urticaria)
never went away.

I live in an academical environment and everybody
was concern about my problems.

Last week a professor of Chemical engineering
send me a recently published paper about lectins...
Lectins are proteins and found in almost everything
but basically in wheat, legumes especially in red
kidney beans and even in tomatoes, potatoes and meat...

Their damage on the villies are same as gluten...
So the paper talks about how the lectin poisoning
and celiac disease were mixed up by the doctors.

an important difference between two disease is chronical
urticaria which never goes away even after a
very careful diet!

Since lectin is almost in everything but in different
levels  its impossible to prevent contamination or

But there is a cure or solution; sugars with large

So I asked to the dean of the pharmacology department
and he suggested carob powder, and licorice as large
molecule sugars...

I have found carob powder producer
who exports them to USA and licorice roots
directly from the nature..

I have been eating  and drinking them for
about a week...

My pain is much less then before!!!
Urticaria seems getting better too..

Have anyone ever  experienced anything like
this before?

Or can anybody  refer me any resource
about lectins, effects and elimination?

I hope I wont be disappointed and also
hope finally my prays are answered!

Thank you all again..