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Does anyone suffer from bad mouth ulcers (aka canker sores) inside your
mouth?  I have cd and I am extremely cautious about watching what I eat.
Lately I have had two to three canker sores in my mouth at once.  I just got
rid of two of them and I woke up this morning with another.  Ugghhh!! I
don't know what is causing them.  I have also watched my intake of highly
acidic drinks and food.  I drank more milk and water and stayed away from
tomatoes and salads lately because of it.  My g.p. gave me a generic for a
Kenelog rinse with some nasty paste to apply but it isn't working anymore.
It sounds like a silly little thing but if you have ever had them they hurt
pretty bad, especially when you have two or more at a time.  I thought about
calling my dentist to see if he had any recommendations.??  Any solutions,or
suggestions??  Please, if you decide to respond, I have read on this list
how people can be real jerks to one another so do your best to be supportive
as I do utilize this list as a support.  Thank you in advance for your help,
take care, Tara @ [log in to unmask]