<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Folks,

Here is my gluten-free version of a dish Napoleon's chef prepared for him
after the Battle of Marengo.  This is a recipe for people that like to cook.

This takes time and loving care but the results are SPECTACULAR!   YUM!

Joe Clemens, Port Angeles, Washington, USA     [log in to unmask]



 4          boneless chicken breasts
 1          small, thinly sliced onion
      1/4   cup olive oil or other oil of your choice
      1/4   cup avocado oil or other light oil of your choice
      1/4   cup dry white wine
 1          large garlic clove, crushed
      1/4   teaspoon thyme
 1          bay leaf
            whole sprigs of parsley
            chopped parsley garnish
      1/2   cup chicken stock
 1          cup Italian-style tomatoes
 10         small white onions
 1          lb. sliced mushrooms
 2-3        tbls. lemon juice (juice of one lemon)
      1/2   cup pitted ripe olives
 1          jigger brandy
            salt and pepper to taste

 Cooking Instructions:
 Saute sliced onion in the olive oil until delicately colored, then remove.

 Add chicken breasts and brown on both sides.
         White wine
         bay leaf
         parsley sprigs
         chicken stock
 and simmer 30-45 minutes, until tender.  Remove meat to baking dish and

 Strain the sauce and reduce it about 5 minutes.  Season to taste.  (Add
 salt here!)

 Saute white onions in the Avocado oil until they start to brown.
 Add sliced mushrooms, stir and warm.  Add lemon juice and saute until


         sliced onions
         ripe olives
 in the baking dish.  Sprinkle brandy over all then add the sauce.

 While the chicken is reheating in a 350 deg. oven, cook a batch of rice.

 Remove chicken and thicken sauce appropriately with arrowroot or potato

 Serve over rice and garnish with chopped parsley.

NOTE:  To thicken hot liquid with arrowroot, mix arrowroot with a small
amount of cool liquid and stir until dissolved.  Take the pan off the burner
and stir in the arrowroot mixture.  It takes a small amount of arrowroot to
thicken so start with half a teaspoonful in an eighth of a cup of liquid.
If you need more thickening you can easily repeat the process.   If you get
too much thickening action simply add more liquid.  Arrowroot as a thickener
adds a beautiful sheen to food and it has no flavor of it's own.

NOTE:  To thicken hot liquid with potato flour simply sprinkle the flour
over the liquid and stir it in.  If you get too much thickening action
simply add a little more liquid.  Potato flour does not create lumps as
wheat flour does.  It takes surprisingly small amounts of potato flour to
thicken liquids so be conservative.

Bon Appetit!