<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Everyone. Here is the final summary.  (I think I inadvertantly sent a
little out earlier - sorry :) )  Thank you all for your input,
suggestions, and experiences.  It has taken a little while to assimilate
all the information.  Here is what I have recieved:  (i had asked if
anyone heard of a connection between CD and sudden hearing loss)

   Many of you have reported hearing loss or disturbances in varying
degrees, for example one reported 30% loss in both ears, others and
reported decrease hearing, swelling or ringing in ears with resultant
decreased hearing after ingesting gluten.  All who have reported this
have reported improvement on the gleten free diet.  Coincidence???

   Others, alnog with hearing diwtrbances have also reported Decreased
vision, (which my patient is also reporting), as well as smelling

   One asked if he had AIDS ( he does not)

   Others have reported these other diseases, also sometimes presented with
CD, as having hearing losses:  Sjogren's Syndrome (can cause sudden hearing
loss as with my patient), nerve damage due to lack of B-12 absorption, Auto
Immune Ear disease, and Hemochromatosis (increased iron in the body).  He
has been tested for the Hemo., as his aunt had died from that but that came
back negative.  Also, as one person asked, he suffered 100% hearing loss in
both ears, 4-5 weeks ago.  He and his wife are pursuing the blood tests and
probably the endoscopy.  He is extremely ill.  I give them more and more
information about CD every time I see them, and they as well as myself,
sincerely beleive this may be the answer.  I will let everyone know.  Thank
you all again and if you pray, please keep him and his family in your
prayers.  (his name is Ken).  Thanks again and God Bless!!

Kathy V