<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This is a summary of the 18 responses I received to the question "DOESN'T
TIME INCREASE SENSITIVITY TO GLUTEN".  Some of the comments I receive from
the responses are also included in this summary.  Thanks to those folks that
responded - it is heartwarming to receive positive feedback and
encouragement.  Once again I learned more about CD.

I want to mentioned that I had a intake of gluten on Monday and without a
reaction by Friday, I decided to post my question to the Celiac List Server.

On Saturday, I started getting a reaction (i.e., my face gets hot and I
become irritable).


  -CD is a very individualistic condition.  Everyone reacts differently to
an intake of gluten.

  -Reactions vary over time with individuals.  Some people get very
sensitive over time and then decrease in sensitivity - others get less
sensitive and then increase in sensitivity.

  -Of the 7 people who specially mentioned their reaction to gluten over
time, 4 said that their sensitivity increased and 3 said it decreased.

  -The reaction can be immediate (i.e., minutes) to days and even up to two

  -People get different reactions, the most common is diarrhea.  Other
reactions mentioned include vomiting and heartburn.

  -Periodic testing was recommended by quite a few people

David, there is no "supposed to" in celiac. We are all different. Some of
us do not react much at all. Some will react two days, or even two weeks

The celiac condition is auto-immune, and once one has recovered from the
initial insult to the body it would be anyone's guess as to each
individual's reaction to a challenge.

Don't fool around though, because we don't know what damage we are doing
ESPECIALLY when we can't feel it.

I suffer but then I've been trained like Pavlov's dog to never cheat!

You have learned the NUMBER 1 rule of celiac.  There are no rules exc. for a
g.f. diet.  Every celiac is unique because of where the damage is located,
how long its been going on, the age at diagnosis, family history, life

I would like to point out to you that many of the people that are reading
our list are very impressionable young people that are looking for advice
from mature adults that have found ways to adapt to having celiac disease.

I consider it extremely irresponsible to discuss deliberately ingesting
gluten in this milieu.

That is why you need to have periodic endoscopies to verify that you don't
have polyps or cancers.