<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Wow!  Coffee at work is a hot topic.  Lots of people have problems, and
there are lots of suggestions.  I don't think there was a single comment
that wasn't echod by someone else, so obviously this is something to
worry about.

Anyway, in no particular order, here are the various points.  Original
text is at the end.

Most suggested actions:

- give up coffee at work [I switched to tea, but would rather have

- bring your own coffee & filters.  Use good quality coffee, and filters
  you know you can tolerate

- try cutting out sugar and cream to see if it's the coffee [I'd rather
  drink tea!]

- cut back on coffee.  It's harsh enough to be a major culprit for IBS.

Possible culprits:

Coffee pot

- coffee maker not cleaned often enough.  Several people were more
  sensitive than most people (to bacteria, perhaps) from this.  [A
  likely cause, in my case]

- This can affect non-celiacs too!


- Coffee creamers are often not gf [A possible cause.  I drink tea black
  but use lots of cream in coffee.  Creamer labels seem OK, though, and
  I don't have problems from restaurants when I use creamers]

- "Stabalizing agent" can contain gluten.

- Coffee-mate might be GF but several people are "sensitive" to it.  [I
  did this once - same reaction as the several people who mentioned it.
  Like being punched in the stomach 15 minutes later.]

- Lactose intolerance?  [I get sinus congestion, not upset stomach, from


- wheat starch can be used in the processing of paper products

- Osco brand gives one person reactions; Mr.Coffee does not


- Packets can contain anti-caking agent, like gluten.

- Oriental sugars might be made from barley or even wheat


- decaf coffee is usually not gf "Water-processed" ok?

- decaf coffee: chemicals could cause irritation

- flavoured coffee is often not gf

- some non-decaf coffees are processed in presence of wheat

- coffee services often cut corners by mixing grains with the coffee

- one "Special Roast" is not 100% coffee [in my case the label claims
  100% coffee]

- Instant coffee often is not GF.  [Instant?  Yuck.]

- Could just be the quantity of acid in the coffee (coffee in general,
  or this brand).  Different coffees have different acid content Coffee
  gives bowel problems in non-celiacs.  [Yes.  I drink lots.  My tea
  isn't as strong]


- Contamination:

   - in filter holder  [Note: I tried washing it out and only drinking
     the coffee I made]

   - in sugar bowl [I hit this a few years ago]

   - donut droppings flying about landing in your mug  [Note: our
     filters are kept isolated to prevent such contamination]

   - stirring implement, e.g. communal spoon

- Aluminum coffee makers bother some people.  [Ours is glass]

Original post...

> For a long time I've suspected the coffee at work.
> A few years ago I'd identified the sugar bowl as a culprit.
> Then we moved buildings (and coffee suppliers) and I
> started getting problems again.  Sugar and creamers are in
> separate packets.  3 week vacation and I was fine until I
> went back to work again.
> After a few weeks I cut out coffee at work - but I still drink
> coffee at restaurants and sometimes at home, with no problems.
> SO.... What could the problem be at work?  The bland
> coffee?  The coffee filters?  Just drinking coffee regularly
> instead of tea?  I'm running out of ideas.