<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

EPIPEN is Epinephrenine. It is an allergy therapy auto-injector.

What is the EpiPen Auto-Injector?

The Epipen Auto-Injector is a disposable drug delivery system with a
spring-activated, concealed needle. It is designed for emergency
self-administration to provide rapid, convenient first-aid for
individuals sensitive to potentially fatal allergic reactions.

What is the active ingredient?

The active ingredient is epinephrine. Injection of epinephrine is the
treatment of choice for allergic emergencies (anaphylactic reactions)
because it quickly constricts blood vessels, relaxes smooth muscles in
the lungs to improve breathing, stimulates the heartbeat, and works to
reverse hives and swelling around the face and lips (angioedema).

Why might I need an EpiPen Auto-Injector?

The Epipen is commonly prescribed for individuals who have had prior
severe allergic reactions to:

  a.. certain foods such as nuts, shellfish or eggs
  b.. drugs such as penicillin
  c.. insect stings by bees, hornets, yellow jackets, etc.
  d.. exercise

  Such an allergic reaction may be so severe as to be life-threatening
and could occur when no physician or hospital is near.

  e.. Expanded labelling indicates use of an EpiPen for temporary
emergency treatment of severe life-threatening asthma attacks.

Why was the EpiPen Auto-Injector developed?

Initially this auto-injector design was developed for the military to
deliver antidotes in the event of poison gas attack. It was ideal
because of the need for a fast, convenient easy method of giving
life-saving medication in a high stress situation. Subsequently, the
same auto-injector system was used with other drugs as part of the NASA
Manned Space Flight Program. The EpiPen Auto-Injector resulted from the
realization that patients experiencing serious allergic reactions may
also be fearful of injecting themselives with life-saving medication or
incapable of using a conventional syringe.

How does the EpiPen Auto-Injector work?

The EpiPen is simple to use and the absence of a visible needle helps to
minimize fear and resistance to self-injection. Activate the EpiPen by:

  1.. Remove the gray safety cap

  2.. Hold the EpiPen (firmly) with the black tip against the thigh (do
not cover the end of the EpiPen with your thumb!!)

  3.. Apply moderate pressure and hold for several seconds. (Count to
  Discard the unit.

  4.. [Ed's note] Call 911 or emergency medical assistance.
Pushing the EpiPen against the thigh releases a spring activated
plunger, pushing the concealed needle into the thigh muscle and
expelling a dose of epinephrine.

Where should the EpiPen be placed for injection?

The EpiPen should simply be pushed against the fleshy outer portion of
the thigh. There is no need for more precise placement. DO NOT ATTEMPT

What will I feel when I use an EpiPen Auto-Injector?

The injection itself is actually quite painless Upon removing the EpiPen
after injection, you will see a short needle protruding. In most
instances, the beneficial effects of the drug will be felt within
seconds. The most common changes you may feel are a more rapid heart
beat and a slight nervousness, "like a short of adrenalin". Even though
a residual amount of material remains within an EpiPen after use, the
unit cannot be used again and should be properly discarded.

Can the EpiPen Auto-Injector be used through clothing?

Yes, if necessary. The preferred method is to remove your clothing from
the site of injection. However, if this is too difficult or awkward, or
if there is no time the EpiPen may be used directly through your

After using an EpiPen Auto-Injector, what else must I do?

The EpiPen is intended for emergency use only. After use, you should try
to get further medical help immediately. At the same time, try to keep
warm and avoid unnecessary exertion. The effects of the injection begin
to wear off after 10 to 20 minutes, therefore it is important that you
should seek further medical assistance. Make certain you tell health
professionals who will treat you that you have given yourself an
injection of epinephrine.

Does the EpiPen come in different strengths?

Yes, Epipens come in two strengths:
Adults-- use EpiPen (Yellow label) with 0.3 mg dose
Young children up to 33 kg--use EpiPen Jr. (White label) with 0.15 mg

Both strengths deliver a single dose. Sometimes a single dose of
epinephrine may not be enough to completely reverse the effects of an
anaphylactic reaction. For that reason, some physicians prescribe more
than one auto-injector. Also, some patients like to keep one unit at
home, one on their person, and one at their place of work to ensure than
an EpiPen is available at all times.

How and where can I obtain an EpiPen Auto-Injector?

See your physician first. The EpiPen and EpiPen Jr. are available from
most pharmacies.

Are there any special tips or precautions I should know?

The EpiPen Auto-Injector is quite durable, but like any instrument, it
can be damaged if mishandled.

  a.. Remove the gray safety cap ONLY when you are ready to use the
EpiPen, otherwise the unit could be activated prematurely.

  b.. Never put your fingers over the black tip when removing the safety
cap, or after the safety cap has been removed.

  c.. Epinephrine is stable at room temperature until the marked
expiration date. EpiPen should not be refrigerated; refrigeration for
extended period of time may cause the unit to malfunction.

  d.. EpiPen should not be exposed to extreme heat, such as in the glove
compartment or trunk of a car during the summer.

  e.. Do not expose the EpiPen to direct sunlight; light and heat can
cause epinephrine to oxidize and go bad, turning brown.

  f.. Check contents of the cartridge periodically through the viewing
window to make sure the solution is clear and colorless. If the solution
appears brown, replace the unit immediately.

  g.. Always replace your EpiPen with a fresh unit prior to the
expiration date.

Hope this will help some of you who have questions. Please take good
care !

Mireille (Gaspesie, Quebec)
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