<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Fist let me thank all the people who sent replies to me.  I appreciate
you concern and your comments.  Alot of people wrote just to lend there
support and let me know that I am not alone.  That they also have
sickness for no apparent reason from time to time.

Some people believe it could be that I am still injesting gluten.  Some
of the things they thought I might be injesting were as follows:
mustard, ketchup, toothpaste, mouthwash, lipstick, chapstick, using the
same toaster that bread which contains gluten is being used from,
prescription drugs and over the counter drugs or vitamins.  In response
to this.  I have not injested any of these kinds of gluten.  I purchased
the CSA product List, and the TRI CITY Prouducts list.  I only buy
things that are listed that I can have and then I still check the
labels.  I purchased the STOKES Guide to prescripton drugs and over the
counter drugs in the event that I feel I need to take something but I
don't take any vitamins or prescription drugs for now.  I have contacted
G.I.G. and got a restaurant card from them.  I am not stating that I am
not getting gluten elsewhere, I just know it isn't from these things.
By the way someone said I could get gluten from Tomatoe Sauce.  Like I
said I used the product guides but what is in it that I should watch

The testing that was suggested were as follows:  Bone Density screening,
check for colon cancer, diebeties check, flu-shots up to date, GI
malignancies,hemo cell screening, IGA levels, pneumonia vaccine,
pnemovax23,thyroid check, tests for vitamin and mineral deficiences
including serum ferritin,iron CBC, EKG,

D-Xylose test

Others gave me some suggestions on things that have made them feel
better.  They are as follows: stay away from milk products forever ,
colionic hydrotherapy , Alka seltzer Gold has helped with contamination,
vitamin C, liquid Mag, calcium, carbohydrate restricted diet

So there it is.  Once again, many thanks to the people who wrote with
help, support and most of all kindness in their hearts.

Terri Daniels
Everett, Wa