<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi List Members:

I don't feel that I received an "on target" answer to my question about
"How often should a celiac have an endoscopy and colonoscopy performed".  I
was looking to see if there was an "official CELIAC standard".  I am still
interested in hearing if anyone has ever had a medical expert in celiac
provide any time frame/guideline.  Thanks to the people that responded.

The responses I did receive are listed below:

*If when having a colonoscopy, polyps are found, removed and biopsied,
then another is done in 6 months to make sure no more had grown, another
a year later, and then one in three years.  Then one has them every
three years.  At least thats what happens in my case.  If none are
found, then...it could be every 10 years for anyone who can do it on
their health plan.

*From what I read, for endo...if you have a lot of esophagus reflux (and
this is very important)---or you are taking anti-acids to suppress it and
would have a lot of reflux if you weren't taking them---every 2-3 years.
For colon...depending on age and sex, every 5-6 years.  For males over 50
every 4-5 years.  In either case an occult fecal blood test yearly. ...If
you're talking about an endo to check your intestines for any emerging
Celiac signs that's up to your Dr.  I thought you were talking about a
garden variety esophageal one.  Even at that, unless you've been sliding of
your diet and gettimg malabsorption indications, there's usually some
indication that warrants going back in there.

*there aren't any go according to the white blood count  when it goes up
over normal then it could be lymphoma when you've been gf (totally) your
chance of getting it gets less with each year of being gf.

*I was just diagnosed w/CD in April after my blood tests returned "off the
charts."  After having an endoscopy and colonoscopy, the gastroenterologist
said I would never need to see him as long as I remained GF and had no

*My 2-year-old son is the Celiac in the family.  He was diagnosed almost 5
months ago.  His ped. GI wants to repeat blood work after he has been GF
for a year and when the blood work gets back in the normal range, redo the
endoscope/biospy.  My impression is that most doctors don't repeat the
endoscope, but I may be way off base.