<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

List members-

I'd like to pass on two stories I think are motivating in the arena of
celiac education.

After taking some CD information to my dentist after my biopsy results, she
asked lots of questions.  Her father has been suffering with diarrhea,
weight loss (6 foot, 124 pounds), etc. and no one could figure out the
problem.  He was so run down, he had given up the will to live.  After I
gave her lots of information, he had blood tests.  One came back negative,
one positive and   his regular internist pooh-poohed the idea of CD.  His
son, a cardiologist, talked him into going to another GI who, after looking
at the results and talking to him, definitely thought he had it.  He did a
biopsy the next day and he does have it.  I didn't know whether to give my
dentist congrats or condolences, but they now have a diagnosis and her dad
is much more motivated and looking forward to getting well.  I have to add
that her dad is a retired pathologist, and really didn't believe he had CD
until he looked at the biopsy slides himself.  Many members of my dentist's
family suffer from severe allergies, as well as from CD-type symptoms, so
they are all going to be tested.  It is also great because she has several
internal med doctors, cardiologists, and pathologists in the family, so they
will all spread the information on CD.  She has already faxed some info to a
dermatologist in Oregon who is treating another family member for what may
now look to be DH.

Second story - After I got the biopsy results and a letter from the GI
confirming it, I put together several packages of material on CD and sent
them with the CD confirmation letter to all of the doctors I had seen who
had missed the diagnosis.  I didn't expect anything back but, amazingly
enough, I got a note from one of them thanking me for taking the time to
send the information and that he found it quite interesting.  Yea!!!  One
more doctor who may take a second look at his patients from now on!

So, if you've hesitated in passing on information to your doctor, dentist or
any other medical professional, do it no more.  Maybe something you give
them will motivate them to learn more.  You never know who you may help!

Oceanside, California