<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

:                                            :
:      Excerpts from _Celiac Circular_       :
:      -------------------------------       :
: May/June 1997          Joan Tuckey, editor :
:                    Edmonton Chapter of CCA :
:               Room 5R17, 11111 Jasper Ave. :
:              Edmonton, AB  T5K 0L4  CANADA :

World Travel as a Celiac, by Gordon Reid
Recommendations for celiacs about to travel for the first time:

1. Confirm the special diet with the airline a few days in advance of
   the intended flight.  Don't rely on your travel agent and your
   request at the time of booking.

2. Unexpected delays are common in airline travel.  Always carry some
   gluten-free snacks with you, such as rice crackers, rice cakes,
   peanuts or mixed nuts, or hard fruits such as apples.

Once you are in your seat, give your flight attendant your calling
card with a note on the back reminding him/her that you ordered a
gluten-free meal.  And if a mistake is made, in spite of your
precautions, be gracious and say to the crew, "Oh, it doesn't hurt to
miss a meal once in a while".  You might get some complimentary wine
to compensate, and if not, you can still dive into the GF snacks
you've brought with you.

:                                                      :
: Excerpts from the Southeast Florida CS Support Group :
: ---------------------------------------------------- :
: newsletter: Sep. 1998          Renee' Culver, editor :
:                                    2523 Jardin Drive :
:                                    Weston, FL  33327 :

Take Your Calcium:<4>  The National Institute of Health Consensus
Development Conference on Optimal Calcium Intake (OCI), held in June
1994 in Washington, DC, recommends the following daily OCI to replace
current Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) for calcium:

  Age Group                 Optimal Calcium Intake  Current RDA
  ---------                 ----------------------  -----------
  Birth - 6 months                    400 mg.          400 mg.
  6 months - 1 year                   600 mg.          600 mg.
  1-10 years                          800 mg.          800 mg.
  Teenagers                       1,200-1,500 mg.     1,200 mg.
  Females  25-50 years               1,000 mg.         800 mg.
  Females over 50, with estrogen     1,000 mg.         800 mg.
  Females over 50, without estrogen  1,500 mg.         800 mg.
  Females over 65 years              1,500 mg.        1,200 mg.
  Pregnant and nursing               1,200 mg.        1,200 mg.
  Males 25-65 years                  1,000 mg.         800 mg.
  Males over 65 years                1,500 mg.         800 mg.

:                                                                    :
:           Excerpts from the Westchester CS Support Group           :
:           ----------------------------------------------           :
: newsletter: Dec. 1998     Leslie Elsner and Sue Goldstein, editors :
:                                                      9 Salem Place :
:                                            White Plains, NY  10605 :

Papadini Hi-Protein Pure Lentil Bean Pasta is made from 100% lentil
bean flour.  It is labeled gluten-free (GF).  It provides significant
amounts of protein, complex carbohydrates, and soluble fiber.  (And of
course, protein from beans contains no cholesterol or saturated fat.)
Papadini has the texture and mild nutty flavor of semolina pasta, yet
it cooks even faster.  According  to Kemp Randolph, it is also a good
choice for diabetics, because of the lentil pasta's low glycemic
index.  Kemp says that this product is also a good choice for those
who are overweight, yet always feel hungry; it is filling and keeps
you satisfied as lentils are slowly absorbed.

:                                                     :
: Excerpts from the Midlands Chapter 13 Support Group :
: --------------------------------------------------- :
: newsletter: Oct. 1998       Sandra K. Allen, editor :
:                                     Route 1 Box 707 :
:                             Fort Calhoun, NE  68023 :

Some of This and Some of That:

* Ocean Spray--Wellfleet Farms:  There are three new 100% juice
  flavors that are gluten-free:  Cranberry and Granny Smith Apple,
  Cranberry and Key Lime, and Cranberry and Georgia Peach.  This was
  verified via a phone call on August 3, 1998.

* Lipton's Seasoned Rice has added a new gluten-free flavor:
  Southwest Chicken, mildly spiced with yellow and red bell peppers.

* Corn Gluten is a by-product of wet milling of corn for starch.  It
  is used as a nutrient supplement.  Many times a manufacturer will
  tell you a product does contain gluten when in fact it is corn
  gluten they are talking about.  Corn gluten is safe for celiacs so
  be sure and state that to the person from whom you want information.
  [We advise not using the term "gluten-free" when speaking to
  manufacturers.  Instead, refer to the four grains (wheat, rye,
  barley, and oats) when contacting manufacturers.--ed.]

* McNeil Consumer Products:  Doris Flannery, a McNeil consumer affair
  representative, sent a list of their products which have been tested
  to be gluten-free (GF).  Many of their other products may also be
  GF, but only these have been tested:
     Children's Motrin oral suspension
     Children's Tylenol chewable fruit burst flavor tablets
     Children's Tylenol cold multi-symptom plus cough chewable tablets
     Children's Tylenol suspension grape flavored liquid
     Extra Strength Tylenol caplets, liquid and PM gel caps
     Imodium AD caplets
     Infants' Tylenol cherry suspension drops
     Lactaid original strength caplets
     Lactaid Ultra caplets
     Maximum Strength Tylenol allergy sinus caplets
     Motrin IB tablets and caplets
     Multi-Symptom Tylenol cold tablets
     Sesame Street complete vitamins and minerals
     Tylenol Extended Relief caplets