<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I've been suffering some chronic symtoms since my first pregnancy (14
years ago). My health was perfect before that (I'm now 37). After
several Mononucleosis crisis I visited Dr. Jesse Stoff (author of the
book: "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A hidden epidemy"). There I was
diagnosticated after a number of examinations that my CFS condition
(high indexes of EBV and Herpes-6) was due to a chronic infection of my
small intestine (giardia, Amoeba, Candida, bacteria, etc) Also high
indexes of IgG and IgA Gliadin were found along with strong intolerance
to wheat.

I've follow several tretaments for my small intestine related symptoms
but several of they still persist, specially those associated with wheat
ingestion as: althralgy, fatigue, bloating, sinusitis, inflamated bowel,
etc. Three months ago I suffered  a lung edema. (Previously I've
suffered a strong bowel inflamatory episode).The edema dissapeared only
after Fluconazol treatment.

What I want to ask is if there's anybody in the group with both CFS and
CD related symptoms. I'd like to hear other experiences.

I've been on a GF diet since I joined the list (two days ago) and I'm
already feeling better (As matter of fact I joined the list because it
was recommended to me by people in the CFS support list.)
Will the biopsy be  advisable in my case or should I follow the diet
first and wait for some results?

Thanks very much,
Carolina Plaza,
Caracas, Venezuela
Please forgive my bad english. I understand almost everything but I only
speak it to a medium level. This was written with some help.