<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I recently got a new supervisor at work and had to explain to her something
about my health situation and gluten intolerance.  I've had a lot of
difficulty and sometimes I'm amazed that my employer of almost 10 years has
been so tolerant of me in the face of a collection of symptoms that most
doctors haven't recognized as particularly significant.

I'm 39 and have only understood about gluten and its effects on my system
for about a year.  The differences so far are pretty impressive to me -- a
person who lived with incredible headaches, IBS, nausea and vomiting,
chronic pain, fatigue and physical sensitivity, bad skin, etc. as though
they were close enough to normal and unavoidable.

My new supervisor, who came to our organization from the field of
veterinary medical products, concluded our conversation by telling me that
she had an understanding of what I was talking about.  She said that if I
were a dog with the kind of difficulties I described, gluten would likely
be one of the first things to be considered by my vet as the cause of my

Having experienced what I have, I can't decide if I think this is funny or

Kansas, USA, Earth